Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Spritz Cookies Recipe

Spritz cookies recipe with step by step pictures. Pressed sugar cookies recipe taste so buttery and delicious. Pressed cookies with step by step pictures.

Spritz Cookies Recipe

Spritz cookies is one of the easiest cookies you could ever make. It gives you the best shaped cookies. You can make the dough in no time at all. It also makes a ton of cookies.

I  wanted to make Pressed cookies for a while now. Finally i bought cookie press and made it. This is the cookie press which i bought. The cookie press is a aluminum one and has various moulds with it. You can even go with plastic cookie press too. I would suggest this home center one.

Gingelly Biscuits are so delicious as well.

All you have to do is just fill it with cookie dough and press it on baking sheet. You will get so many shapes of cookies from it.

Here are my tips to get perfect pressed cookies.

1)Dont make the dough too hard. Make it soft so it easily releases from mould.

2)Dont lined baking sheet with parchment. Because the dough has to stick to the tray and then release.

3)Dont press more than once, if you do then it will clump together and form a round.

4)You can place the tray in fridge before baking.

5)You can decorate the cookie with sprinkles or silver balls before it goes into the oven.

6)Dont over bake the cookies, it has to be very light golden around the edges.

You will love this whole wheat biscuits too.

Spritz Cookies

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

White Chocolate and Cranberry Cookies Recipe

Spritz Cookies

Look Mahi Enjoying homemade cookies.

Spritz Cookies Recipe

Sprintz Cookies
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Delicious buttery spritz cookies which is so delicious. Spritz cookies or pressed cookies which taste so buttery.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 30 cookies
  • Unsalted Butter - ½ cup (120 grams)
  • Sugar - ⅓ cup
  • Egg - ½ an egg ( beat a egg and remove ½)
  • Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
  • All Purpose Flour / Maida - 1⅛ cup
  • Salt a pinch
  1. Preheat oven to 180 degree c.
  2. Mix sugar with butter and vanilla till creamy.
  3. Add in egg and mix well.
  4. Add in flour and salt and make it into a dough.
  5. Place it in cookie press and make cookies as shown in image.
  6. Bake for 10 mins.
  7. Remove and cool completely.
  8. Store in a air tight container.


1)Take unsalted butter in a bowl.

unsalted butter

2)Add in sugar

Spritz Cookies

3)Add in vanilla

homemade vanilla

4)Cream it well

Spritz Cookies

5)Add in egg

Spritz Cookies

6)Mix well

Spritz Cookies

7)Add in flour

Spritz Cookies

8)Add a pinch of salt

Spritz Cookies

9)Mix well

Spritz Cookies

10)Take a cookie press. Place the dough inside.

cookie press

11)Press it

cookie press

12)Like this

Spritz Cookies

13)You can use different cutter to make the cookie

Spritz Cookies

14)Place a cherry on top

Spritz Cookies

15)Bake till golden

Spritz Cookies


Spritz Cookies


Spritz CookiesSpritz CookiesSpritz Cookies

The post Spritz Cookies Recipe appeared first on Yummy Tummy.

from Yummy Tummy https://ift.tt/2E8pypi

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