Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cabbage kheer recipe

cabbage-kheerCabbage kheer, cabbage payasam is a wonderful dessert tastes great similar to Rabri. Cabbage is cooked, sauteed in ghee, made rich along with milk, condensed milk.

Have you ever imagined kheer or payasam with cabbage? Though I have heard green peas kheer, never imagined one with cabbage. My BIL told this recipe to try and was skeptical how this would taste. Looking at the procedure, I was confident that there will not be any cabbage smell, but did not expected that cabbage would blend in the recipe so well  and grateful for ever😍. The original recipe from here, is kheer and they have added flavors to suit the recipe as well as to suit their taste.


Now after trying out this, I thought I can make it in south Indian payasam way too. Yet cook cabbage by reducing milk will definitely in my steps as milk and cabbage goes really well with each other. I think even cauliflower will be a very nice the same way when prepared like this. 2019 flew just like that and looking forward for the New year with lots of hopes. Check out my Rabri post.

Wishing all the people reading this a ✨🎉 Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year 🎉✨

Cabbage kheer recipe

Cabbage kheer, cabbage payasam is a wonderful dessert tastes great similar to Rabri. Cabbage is cooked, sauteed in ghee, made rich along with milk, condensed milk.

  • 2 cups shredded cabbage
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp condensed milk
  • 2 tsp ghee
  • 1/2 inch Cinnamon
  • 2 cardamom
  • 2 drops kewra water
  • 2 drops rose water
  • 1 pinch salt
  1. I used my mandolin slicer to slice cabbage to thin strips. You can use knife too.
  2. Boil 3 cups water, add shredded cabbage to it. Boil for 5 mins, drain water. Squeeze excess water completely.
  3. Heat a heavy bottomed pan with ghee. Add cinnamon and cardamom to it. In goes cabbage. Sautee 5 mins in low flame with a dash of salt.
  4. Pour in the milk and bring to boil. Simmer until milk reduced to half the volume.
  5. Add sugar, condensed milk and mix well. Simmer for 2 more minutes.
  6. In goes the kewra water and rose water. Siwtch off flame and garnish with nuts.
  • In the original recipe, they have asked to add sugar along sauteeing the cabbage. I totally forgot so added after milk reduced.
  • Salt can also be skipped, it is just to avoid flat taste.
  • Keep stirring to avoid burnt battom.
  • I added more ghee found it floating as a layer on top, which I did not like. So reduced the quantity in the recipe.


Cabbage kheer method:

  1. I used my mandolin slicer to slice cabbage to thin strips. You can use knife too. Boil 3 cups water, add shredded cabbage to it.step-1-boil-cabbage
  2. Boil for 5 mins, drain water. Squeeze excess water completely.step 2 strain
  3. Heat a heavy bottomed pan with ghee. Add cinnamon and cardamom to it. In goes cabbage. Sautee 5 mins in low flame with a dash of salt.step 3 sautee
  4. Pour in the milk and bring to boil. Simmer until milk reduced to half the volume.step-4-add-milk
  5. Add sugar, condensed milk and mix well. Simmer for 2 more minutes.step-6-sweet
  6. In goes the kewra water and rose water. Siwtch off flame and garnish with nuts.kheer-ready

Garnish with sliced nuts and serve warm.


The post Cabbage kheer recipe appeared first on Raks Kitchen.

from Raks Kitchen https://ift.tt/2QcXBDB

Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Make S’Mores

How to Make S’Mores Indoor. How to Make S’Mores on Stove Top.

How to Make S'Mores

How to Make S’Mores Recipe with Step by Step Pictures. S’Mores Recipe using stove top.

S’Mores is usually made out door when people gather for a camp fire or a get together like a barbeque party. But this recipe is made indoor on regular stove top.

Homemade Marshmallows Recipe

Homemade Graham Crackers Recipe.

How to Make S'Mores

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

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How to Make S'Mores

How to make S'Mores
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
How to make S'Mores at home. Make S'Mores indoor on stove top. Making S'mores in microwave.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: American
  1. Take graham crackers and place chocolate bar on them. You can pop them in microwave to melt for 10 seconds. This step is optional.
  2. Skewer marshmallow in open flame till it is charred.
  3. Now place this on other side of graham cracker and remove the skewer.
  4. Sandwich them together.
  5. Serve.


1)Take all ingredients for smores.

How to Make S'Mores

2)I used big size marshmallows


3)I used my homemade graham crackers.

How to Make S'Mores

4)Place chocolate bar on oneside

How to Make S'Mores

4)I like to pop them in microwave for 10 seconds. This step is optional

How to Make S'Mores

5)dont let it melt too much

How to Make S'Mores

6)Take skewers

How to Make S'Mores

7)Take marshmallows

stove top S'Mores

8)Skewer them

stove top S'Mores

9)Toast them in open flame

stove top S'Mores

10)Cook them for few mins

stove top S'Mores

11)Remove them

stove top S'Mores

12)Place them on graham crackers other side

stove top S'Mores

13)Remove the skewers

stove top S'Mores

14)cover it

stove top S'Mores

15)Cover and serve

stove top S'Mores

The post How to Make S’Mores appeared first on Yummy Tummy.

from Yummy Tummy https://ift.tt/2Q97bYc

Homemade Graham Crackers Recipe

Homemade Graham Crackers Recipe with Step by Step Pictures.

Homemade Graham Crackers

Graham crackers recipe is one recipe which i wanted to make for a very long time.

For those who are hearing about this for the first time. Graham crackers is nothing but a crispy biscuit with honey and cinnamon flavour. The biscuit is made with whole wheat flour and is little crispy in texture.

This biscuits is usually used for making smores. This biscuits is powdered and used as a crust for cheesecakes and other desserts. This biscuits is produced mass in united states. This biscuits can be had with a cup of tea or coffee.

The dough has very basic ingredients like wheat flour, brown sugar, honey and spices. I used oil instead of butter to make it more healthier. But for added flavour you can use butter. Also for added flavour, you can use molasses instead of honey.

You will love my homemade marie biscuits, oreo biscuits and bourbon biscuits too

Homemade Graham Crackers

In india it is hard to find graham crackers. So when i wanted to try out smores. I went a step ahead and made my own graham crackers biscuits too. It is not at all hard. Very easy to make.

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Homemade Graham Crackers

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

Whole Wheat Biscuits Recipe – Diwali Sweets Recipes

Homemade Graham Crackers

Graham Crackers Recipe
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Graham crackers is one of the easiest and healthiest crackers you could make. These are so thin and made with wheat flour which is good for you.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Serves: 12 cookies
  • Whole Wheat Flour / Atta - 1 cup (120 grams)
  • Brown Sugar - ½ cup (100 grams)
  • Baking Soda - ½ tsp
  • Salt a pinch
  • Cinnamon powder - ½ tsp
  • Oil - 4 tblsp
  • Honey - 3 tblsp
  • Milk - 3 tblsp
  • Vanilla essence - ½ tsp
  1. Preheat oven to 180 degree C.
  2. Take wheat flour, cinnamon, baking soda, brown sugar in a bowl and mix well.
  3. Add oil and crumble it into the flour.
  4. Mix milk, honey and vanilla in a bowl and add it into the flour and knead to a dough.
  5. Roll this into a thin sheet between parchment paper.
  6. Cut as shown.
  7. Arrange on a baking sheet and bake for 8 to 10 mins.
  8. Remove and cool completely.
  9. Serve.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Calories: 129 Fat: 4.6g Saturated fat: 0.6g Carbohydrates: 21.3g Sugar: 13.2g Sodium: 3mg Fiber: 0.3g Protein: 1.1g Cholesterol: 0mg


1)Take wheat flour in a bowl

whole wheat flour

2)Add in brown sugar

brown sugar

3)Add in cinnamon powder

Homemade Graham Crackers

4)Add in baking soda

Homemade Graham Crackers

5)Add in salt

Homemade Graham Crackers

6)Mix well

Homemade Graham Crackers

Nuts Cookies
Custard Powder Cookies
Ghee Cookies
Butter Cookies

7)Add in oil or butter

Homemade Graham Crackers

8)Crumble it into the flour

Homemade Graham Crackers

9)Take milk in a bowl

Homemade Graham Crackers

10)Add in vanilla

Homemade Graham Crackers

11)Add in honey

Homemade Graham Crackers

12)Mix well

Homemade Graham Crackers

13)Add it into the flour

Homemade Graham Crackers

14)Knead to a soft dough

Homemade Graham Crackers

15)Roll into a dough

Homemade Graham Crackers

16)Roll it

Homemade Graham Crackers

17)Cut the edges

Homemade Graham Crackers

18)Cut into pieces

Homemade Graham Crackers

19)Prick it using a fork

Homemade Graham Crackers

20)Like this

Homemade Graham Crackers

21)Place it in baking sheet

Homemade Graham Crackers

22)Bake till done

Homemade Graham Crackers


Homemade Graham CrackersOats Cookies
Honey Walnut Cookies
Snowball Cookies
M&Ms Chocolate Chips Cookies

The post Homemade Graham Crackers Recipe appeared first on Yummy Tummy.

from Yummy Tummy https://ift.tt/2ZBWYGP