Friday, June 26, 2020

90 Seconds Low Carb Bread Recipe

Low Carb Keto Bread made using 5 ingredients in just 90 seconds.

Its been few days since i started keto. The one thing which i miss the most in keto is my bread. I love bread. It is the first thing which i make for breakfast along with fried egg when i need quick breakfast fix. So when i was searching for keto bread recipe, this is the first recipe which catched my eyes.. It is from gimme delicious.

This bread can be made in under 3 mins. All you need is some almond flour, egg and butter or oil. I used my microwave to bake this, it hardly took me 90 seconds. You can bake this in oven too.

This bread is best for sandwiches too, you might want to double the recipe and make in a square pan to create sandwich look. I will soon share that recipe.

Check out this flax seed roti recipe too.

Gluten Free Pancakes Recipe – Keto Pancakes Recipe

Keto bread or Low Carb bread made using almond flour and egg. This can be made either in microwave or oven. Check my notes section to know more about it.

You can have this bread with a cup of keto coffee too.

90 Seconds Low Carb Bread Recipe
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Low carb bread made using just 5 ingredients. Spongy bread made under 2 mins which can be made in a instant.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Serves: 1 servings
  • Almonds - ¼ cup ( you will need 3 tblsp of powdered almonds)
  • Butter or Coconut Oil - 1 tblsp melted
  • Egg - 1
  • Baking Powder - ½ tsp
  • Salt a pinch
  1. Powder almonds in a blender till fine. Dont powder it too much, else it will get pasty. You will need 3 tblsp of almond flour.
  2. Take melted butter in a bowl, add in egg, baking powder, salt and 3 tblsp of almond flour.
  3. Mix well. Spoon this into a ramekin and pop it into the microwave.
  4. Microwave for 90 seconds.
  5. Remove and cool for a bit.
  6. Slice in half. You can toast this if you want.
1)Use a ramekin and bake at 190 degree c for 10 minutes in oven if you dont have microwave.
2)I made homemade almond flour. I ground my own almonds. If you are like me, dont grind too much else it will get pasty like almond butter.
3)Dont over bake else it may get hard
4)You can use coconut oil instead of butter.
5)If you want to use coconut flour, use 1 tblsp of it.
6)I usually keep almonds in my freezer, i used frozen almonds straight from the freezer to powder.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 Calories: 220 Fat: 21g Saturated fat: 7g Carbohydrates: 4g Sugar: 0g Sodium: 101mg Fiber: 2g Protein: 4g Cholesterol: 33mg


1)First lets make almond flour. Take almonds in a blender

2)Powder till fine. Dont over grind else it may get pasty.

3)take 1 tblsp of butter in a bowl

4)Melt it in microwave

5)Add in egg

6)Whisk well

7)Add almond flour

8)Add in baking powder

9)Add pinch of salt

10)Mix well to a smooth batter

11)Pop this in microwave and bake for 90seconds

12)bake till done

13)Now the bread is baked

14) slice in half

15)You can toast this in butter


The post 90 Seconds Low Carb Bread Recipe appeared first on Yummy Tummy.

from Yummy Tummy

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