Thursday, April 16, 2020

Kewpie Mayo Recipe

Kewpie mayo recipe with step by step pictures.

Kewpie Mayo Recipe

Kewpie mayonnaise is a popular japanese mayonnaise. It has a rich umami flavour to it which is super delicious on sandwiches.

What does kewpie mayo taste like?

It is rich, thick and very creamier. This mayonnaise is little acidic and has a slight sweet taste to it as well. Normally dashi is added in the mayonnaise which adds a umami taste.

What is the difference between kewpie mayo and normal mayo?

Kewpie mayo is made using egg yolk so it i richer and little acidic. Regular mayo has whole egg in that.

Kewpie Mayo Recipe

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

Kewpie Mayo Recipe

Kewpie Mayonnaise
Prep time
Total time
Kewpie mayonnaise is a japanese traditional mayo which is delicious and taste amazing on sandwiches.
Recipe type: Condiments
Cuisine: Japanese
Serves: 2 cups
  • Egg yolk - 2
  • Flavourless Oil - 1½ cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tblsp
  • Dashi - 2 tblsp (if available)
  • Mustard sauce - 2 tsp
  1. Take vinegar in a sauce pan and heat till it comes to a boil. simmer for 2 mins. Remove it from flame. Cool it completely. If you are using dashi then add it along with the vinegar and boil it.
  2. Take egg yolks, mustard, vinegar and whisk well.
  3. Now add in oil in a slow stream and keep whisking. It will emulsify and keep whisking till thick.
  4. Now add in salt, sugar and mix well.
  5. Store it in fridge for few hours before serving.


1)Take apple cider vinegar in a sauce pan

2)Heat it till it comes to a bubble.

3)Like this. Simmer till the vinegar is reduced till half.

4)Take egg yolks in a bowl

6)Add in mustard sauce.

7)Add in vinegar

8)Whisk till smooth

9)Add oil slowly in a steady stream

10)And keep whisking

11)Like this

12)it will get creamier and thicker

14)As you keep whisking it will get lighter.

15)Season with salt.

16)Add in sugar

17)Whisk well

19)Pop this in fridge for few hours. Then serve.

The post Kewpie Mayo Recipe appeared first on Yummy Tummy.

from Yummy Tummy

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