Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dalgona Candy Recipe – Korean Sponge Candy Recipe

Korean Dalgona Candy Recipe with Step by Step Pictures.

Dalgona Candy

Dalgona is quite trending right now. It has went viral on the internet. After my very popular dalgona coffee recipe. I decided to make the traditional dalgona candy. It is easy and fast to make as well. First of all what is dalgona candy according to wiki.

Honeycomb toffeesponge toffeecinder toffee or hokey pokey is a sugary toffee with a light, rigid, sponge-like texture. Its main ingredients are typically brown sugar, corn syrup (or molasses or golden syrup in the Commonwealth of Nations) and baking soda, sometimes with an acid such as vinegar. The baking soda and acid react to form carbon dioxide which is trapped in the highly viscous mixture. When acid is not used, thermal decomposition of the baking soda releases carbon dioxide. The lattice structure is formed while the sugar is liquid, then the toffee sets hard. The candy goes by a variety of names and regional variants.

Owing to its relatively simple recipe and quick preparation time, in some regions it is often made at home, and is a popular recipe for children. It is also made commercially and sold in small blocks, or covered in chocolate, a popular example being the Crunchie bar.

Interesting right?

Dalgona Candy

I decided to make it using sugar and baking soda and it was very tasty and easy as well. All you need is two ingredients and some patience.

Since i was out of lollipop stick i decided to cut skewers and use it instead of those sticks. All other recipes asked to make one lollipop out at a time. But i was little impatient so i used 3 tblspn sugar and made three to four candy at a time. it was easy too,.

Dalgona Candy

Here are few point to keep in mind before making dalgona candy

1)Cook sugar in low heat.
2)Keep stirring with a chopstick or skewer. If you use spoon it may stick to the spoon.
3)Once the sugar is melted add baking soda and mix immediately.
4)Dont caramelize the sugar else the candy will be bitter.
5)Cook on low heat till sugar melts. Sugar has to be still clear and not brown.
6)Cool the candy little before making design. If you place cookie cutter immediately then it will stick to the candy and you wont get proper design.
7)You can store this in a air tight container.

Maha loved it!

Dalgona Candy

Hope you will give this a try and let me know how it turns out for you.

Dalgona Candy

Dalgona Candy Recipepe
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Dalgona candy is a cute caramel candy which is super easy to make and taste so delicious. Kids will love this caramel sweet candy.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Korean
Serves: 3 candy
  • Sugar - 3 tblsp
  • Baking Soda (cooking soda) - ¼ tsp
  • Lollipop sticks or Skewer or Toothpicks
  • Oil for greasing mini moulds
  • Mini moulds
  • Parchment paper
  1. Line a parchment paper and set aside.
  2. Grease the moulds with oil and set aside.
  3. Measure baking soda and set aside.
  4. Take sugar in a heavy bottom pan and melt gently ln low flame.
  5. You can use a chop stick or skewer to mix.
  6. Keep mixing the sugar will start to melt.
  7. So let it melt completely.
  8. Once it is completely melted. Take it off the heat.
  9. Immediately add in baking soda and mix well. It will get frothy.
  10. Pour it immediately in parchment paper into small rounds.
  11. Make this step fast.
  12. Place a skewer into the sugar rounds and let it cool for 10 seconds.
  13. Now take the cookie cutter and place it over the candy so it gets that cute design.
  14. Now cool it completely and enjoy.
1)Cook sugar in low heat.
2)Keep stirring with a chopstick or skewer. If you use spoon it may stick to the spoon.
3)Once the sugar is melted add baking soda and mix immediately.
4)Dont caramelize the sugar else the candy will be bitter.
5)Cook on low heat till sugar melts. Sugar has to be still clear and not brown.
6)Cool the candy little before making design. If you place cookie cutter immediately then it will stick to the candy and you wont get proper design.
7)You can store this in a air tight container.


1)Line parchment paper. cut skewers into small sticks and set aside.

2)You can cut this sharp point.

3)take mini cookie cutters

4)grease it with oil

5)Measure baking soda

6)Take sugar in a sauce pan

7)Melt it on very low heat. stir with the skewer or chopstick.

8)Keep cook on very low heat till sugar melts.

9)Now it has started to melt

10)Now it is almost done. Dont let the sugar get caramel colour. else the candy will be bitter

11)Add baking soda

12)Mix well till it gets frothy

13)Now pour it immediately into the parchment paper. Be fast else the sugar will harden

14)make mini circles. you have to be fast

15)Immediately place skewers in them

16)Like this

17)Now let this cool for 10 seconds

18)Place the cookie cutter on it.

19)So it makes perfect design

20)Cool it and serve.

21)Make loves this.

The post Dalgona Candy Recipe – Korean Sponge Candy Recipe appeared first on Yummy Tummy.

from Yummy Tummy

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