Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe

Instant pot brown basmati rice – step by step pictorial to make perfect brown basmati rice each time.

Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe

Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe with step by step pictures. Perfect to go with curries and veggies.

I love the flavour and texture of brown basmati rice but it takes around 45 mins to cook in stove top. So I was looking for an quick way to cook it and this brown basmati rice in Instant pot is a life saver. Just dump everything inside Instant pot and you are done.

Difference between brown basmati rice and white basmati rice:

  • Brown basmati rice is chewier when compared to white basmati rice
  • Brown basmati rice needs more water and time to cook than white basmati rice.
  • The flavour of brown basmati rice is different.

And I am really not sure which is more healthy so I opt to choose brown basmati occassionally.

Soaking of brown basmati rice:

  • If you prefer or have time to soak then soak rice in water for 20-30 mins and cook for 20 mins in pressure cook high mode.
  • I usally don’t soak and cook it for 25 mins and its perfect. Also depends on the variety of basmati rice.

This Instant pot brown basmati rice is:

  • really very easy to make
  • nutty, chewy and tasty.
  • a great method to get perfect rice each time.
  • time saving

Instant Pot Recipes:

Serving and Storing:

  • You can serve rice with Sambar another South Indian staple or any vegetable curry or meat based curries.
  • You can even make variety rice like lemon rice, coconut rice, tomato rice, tamarind rice with cooked rice.
  • Though I always prefer making a fresh batch everyday you can refrigerate cooked rice for 2-3 days in fridge. I usually keep cooked rice inside a vessel, sprinkle little water and keep in Instant pot pressure cook mode for 2-3 mins in low for warming up.

Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe


Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe

Instant pot brown basmati rice - step by step pictorial to make perfect brown basmati rice each time.
Course Main Course
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 2
Author Sharmilee J


Ratio is 1:3.5 (1 cup rice and 3.5 cups water)

  • 1/2 cup brown basmati rice
  • 1and 3/4 cups water


  • To begin with first measure brown basmati rice. I measured 1/2 cup.
  • Rinse it well, drain and set aside.
  • Add it to the inner bowl. Add 1 and 3/4 cups of water.The ratio is 1(rice):3.5(water).
  • I added directly to the pot. You can keep a vessel and cook too. You can add salt and oil if you want but I usually don't add.
  • Close lid.
  • Set pressure cook mode high for 25 mins.
  • Once the timer finishes, let pressure release manually. When you see the steel knob go down it is safe to open.
  • Open and your rice is done. Not mushy yet perfect grain seperated rice is ready.
  • Fluff it up. Serve it with curries or make variety rice using it.
  • Instant pot basmati rice is ready!
  • Serve hot! Finally rice is done.
  • Serve brown basmati rice with curries and veggies of your choice.


  • The timing and water may change depending on the variety of basmati rice so check for a smaller amount first then proceed.
  • If you prefer or have time to soak  then soak rice for 20-30 mins and cook for 20 mins in pressure cook high mode.
  • I usually don't soak and cook it for 25 mins and its perfect. Also depends on the variety of basmati rice.

If you have any more questions about this Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe do mail me at In addition, follow me on InstagramFacebookPinterest ,Youtube and Twitter .

Tried this Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe? Also do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

Method to make Brown basmati rice in Instant Pot:

1.To begin with first measure brown basmati rice. I measured 1/2 cup.measure rice

2.Rinse it well, drain and set aside.rinse it well

3.Add it to the inner bowl. Add 1 and 3/4 cups of water.The ratio is 1(rice):3.5(water). add to inner bowl

4.I added directly to the pot. You can keep a vessel and cook too. You can add salt and oil if you want but I usually don’t add.add to pot

5.Close lid.
close lid

6.Set pressure cook mode high for 25 mins.set pressure cook mode

7.Once the timer finishes, let pressure release manually. When you see the steel knob go down it is safe to open.let pressure release manually

8.Open and your rice is done. Not mushy yet perfect grain seperated rice is

9.Fluff it up. Serve it with curries or make variety rice using it.fluff it

10.Instant pot basmati rice is ready!rice ready

11.Serve hot! Finally rice is done.Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe serve hot

Serve brown basmati rice with curries and veggies of your choice.

Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe

My tips while making Instant pot brown basmati rice:

  • The timing and water may change depending on the variety of basmati rice so check for a smaller amount first then proceed.
  • If you prefer or have time to soak  then soak rice for 20-30 mins and cook for 20 mins in pressure cook high mode.
  • I usually don’t soak and cook it for 25 mins and its perfect. Also depends on the variety of basmati rice.

Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe

The post Instant pot brown basmati rice recipe appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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