Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Cherry Limeade, easy cherry limeade


Cherry limeade, quick easy version for a refreshing drink. Quick video, step by step pictures.

I started buying cherry only last year, have not tasted before other than the preserved/ glaced cherry in cakes. Somehow thought it would be sour or something. Some how once bought and it was too good. I soak it in salted water and ended up eating it with a sprinkle of salt. Have you tried nava pazham with salt? It was something like that and we liked it.


Though we did not continue eating with salt, we occasionally buy and consume when it’s fresh stock and there’s a good deal. Now after long time got it, had some left over so thought of trying limeade and posting here too. We loved it. Never thought it will give such good colour. This is simple version than cooking it and processing. Check out my Strawberry watermelon juice.

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Cherry limeade, quick easy version

Cherry limeade, quick easy version for a refreshing drink. Quick video, step by step pictures.
Course Drinks
Cuisine Indian
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Servings 2

Equipments (Amazon Affiliate links)

  • Blender or mixie
Cup measurements


  • 10 cherries
  • 1 lime large
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • water as needed
  • Ice cubes for serving


How to pit cherries:

  • Clean, wash, stem the cherries. Insert a straw through the place were it was attached to the stem/ stalk.
  • The seed will come through when the straw comes out. Repeat to finish all.

To make cherry limeade

  • Place pitted cherries in blender with sugar. Puree it well.
  • Pass through metal strainer. Add approx 1 cup water and bring out all the juice through the strainer.
  • Add salt, squeeze lime. Mix well.
  • Fill half of the serving glasses ice cubes. Pour the limeade over it and serve immediately.


  • You can reduce or increase sugar as per taste.
  • Use lemon if you like to use it. Lime is green in colour, sour in nature than lemon. So adjust accordingly.
  • Sugar can be substituted with any natural sweeteners like honey.
  • Salt balances the sour/ sweet taste.
  • Since we serve with lot of ice, water quantity has to be adjusted as needed.

Cherry limeade method:

  1. How to pit cherries:
    Clean, wash, stem the cherries. Insert a straw through the place were it was attached to the stem/ stalk.
  2. The seed will come through when the straw comes out. Repeat to finish all.
  3. To make cherry limeade:
    Place pitted cherries in blender with sugar. Puree it well.
  4. Pass through metal strainer. Add approx 1 cup water and bring out all the juice through the strainer.
  5. Add salt, squeeze lime. Mix well.
  6. Fill half of the serving glasses ice cubes. Pour the limeade over it and serve immediately.

Enjoy the refreshing tasty drink!


The post Cherry Limeade, easy cherry limeade appeared first on Raks Kitchen.

from Raks Kitchen

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