Friday, March 27, 2020

How to store coconut, freeze grated coconut

How to store coconut, grated coconut in freezer. Tips and tricks to break open the coconut, store whole coconut, full video post.

I have been meaning to post this for long time ever since I was posting lunch menu series. I wasn’t sure about how it would be useful or is it worth a post. When I posted using my coconut grater for grating coconut in Instagram, I got many queries about the gadget as well as they wanted a video on how I use it, to get an idea.

Though I have used this wet grinder attachment, it is just to show you how I grate, but this storage method should be helpful for many of you regardless on how you grate, which method you grate coconut. So use your own method to grate coconut and store it this way. I have also added how I break the coconut, it could help newbies in the kitchen.

Why grate coconut in bulk and store it?

As I get to buy Indian coconut only during my monthly visit to Indian groceries, I buy and store in bulk. Bulk means just 4-5 a month unless otherwise I buy extra for making special dishes involving coconut milk. The other coconut variety I get in local near by shops is huge in size and I find it difficult to handle while grating. Also Indian coconut is best for Indian cooking, it is so moist and soft in texture.

Why grate in bulk and freeze is better?

Once I break open the coconut, if I keep the un used part in fridge, it gets either dry or gets spoiled soon. Dry coconut is not good in taste as well as while grating, I get lot of broken coconut pieces falling as such. This is the best way for me to use up all coconut without wastage.

How to store whole coconut for long before break opening?

I just put it in a cloth bag/ cover and keep inside fridge upright. My mom and mom in law says keeping upright in room temperature itself is fine but Since I dont know how much old are the imported coconut in Indian groceries here, I just put inside fridge as soon as I buy. When I go for holiday I even buy and put inside fridge and go after 20 days also I comeback and use it for emergency, no need to go to shop immediately.

Why I do not just slice the flesh and use it ground in mixer?

I am really used to the grated coconut texture and looks. Especially, when I add to poriyal. Also the brown skin that is attached to back of the flesh is not my favorite, so I minimize the brown part while grating.

Which coconut grater to use?

There are many types of coconut graters available. Still my mom and mom in law use arivalmanai (thengai thuruvi).
There is also a counter top gadget, which has suction base.
Another one my sister in law uses can be mounted to the edge of a counter top and used.
Other than this, there are graters with handle just like a peeler.

What to use to break open a coconut?

Any heavy item comfortable to hold, can be used to strike the coconut to break open it. I use pestle of a mortar pestle as it is big and heavy.
Hammer, back of a knife (opposite of the sharp side, not the handle side!) arivaal or a concrete edge – just hit coconut against the edge of a concrete base. (Don’t hit over tiled portion as it could damage tiles, only cement base)

Use a strong leather glove to safe gaurd your hand if you are a newbie or be extra careful for few times until you learn the knack to grate. Which ever gadget you use.

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How to store grated coconut, freezing grated coconut

How to store grated coconut in freezer, how to freeze grated coconut with how to break open and storage of whole coconut too.
Course Condiments
Cuisine Indian
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes

Equipments (Amazon Affiliate links)

  • Pestle or heavy, large, sturdy knife or hammer
  • Coconut grater
  • Ziploc/ freezer safe containers
  • Paring knife
Cup measurements


  • 2 piece coconut
  • 1 paring knife
  • 1 hammer/ pestle/ large knife Heavy


  • Take off the excess fiber in the coconut in the sides if any. Wash well.
  • Spot the three lines running along the side. Hit on those lines in the middle part of the coconut.
  • If you want collect the water and filter to have it.
  • Grate the coconut gently, in my case, carefully press the flesh part against the grater and change position to cover all the portion. You will learn the knack as you keep doing few times.
  • Use a glove and divide the grated coconut to small portions and put inside a ziploc cover. You can use any freezer container too, but store as small portions/ thin portions.
  • Store in freezer. When needed, just break a the required amount and put back inside the unused portion. Do not thaw and freeze again.


  • Label the frozen grated coconut to know the packed date.
  • I usually store as thin portions, so that it is easy to break and take the required portion.

Stays good for 3 weeks. As soon as you take out the required portion, put the rest of the coconut back in freezer. Do not re freeze once thawed.

The post How to store coconut, freeze grated coconut appeared first on Raks Kitchen.

from Raks Kitchen

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