Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Strawberry watermelon juice recipe

strawberry-watermelon-juiceStrawberry watermelon juice is an awesome refreshing thirst quencher for the summer, with goodness from watermelon and awesome flavour to go with from strawberries.

As I have mentioned 3 weeks back in my last post, I had been to India to take care of my my-inlaws for an emergency situation. By God’s grace they are able to slowly recover and managing their routines as usual but in their own pace. It was totally unexpected trip and new for me to handle. Initially overwhelming, yet I was able to manage with help from other family members and surprised myself with my patience and ability to handle situations.

Yet long way to go in the learning process. But life is teaching me very well its lessons to face it bravely and with patience, love and care. Learnt a lot, mainly about myself 🙂 I am super sensitive I know myself, worked my best to change myself in various situations and still long way to go, am confident I will 🙂

Have never left Vj and Aj alone and went anywhere in this 16 years of marriage life. So it was so very emotional for me to leave them behind in first place than to face the situation there. Initial days were very tough, but tried to overcome. Since Vj was there with Aj, I was bit relieved and relaxed, though my heart kept thinking how both were managing.

This is why guys should equally know to handle the home, atleast they can face such emergency situation with ease, I realised. Having said that, Vj took care of Aj at his best and kept the house more neater than I would keep when I was back home.


Amidst all these, I never thought I should turn to my blog work. I somehow shared few old recipes in my Facebook and instagram. But it was really tough to think about blogging at all, there in that situation.

To break the silence, I am here with this simple but my favorite combo of strawberry and watermelon. Watermelon is somehow too bland for me. I already have shared one watermelon juice with rose syrup as suggested by my friend. You can also check this mohabbat ka sharbat – watermelon and rose milk (highly recommend) This one is a life saver for summer time drinks. Usually I hate to have lunch or solid food in day time during summer and wish I could live in fresh juices (if someone can make for me). So if you are like me, love to have drinks a lot, you must definitely try this combo.

On a different note, I have an exciting news to share that I have shot few episodes for Asianet Singapore taste. The first episode is out. You can watch the full episode below in the youtube video:

Strawberry watermelon juice recipe

  • 10 strawberries (fresh)
  • 2 cups watermelon (cubed)
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  1. Take out the green part of the strawberries and clean. Place in a blender with sugar. Blend smoothly.
  2. Transfer to a metal strainer. Place chopped watermelon in blender and grind smoothly.
  3. Strain through metal strainer and mix well. Adjust water, sugar if needed. Serve chilled.
  • No hard fast rules or measurements for the drink, adjust water, watermelon quantity according to your taste preference.

Strawberry watermelon juice method:

  1. Take out the green part of the strawberries and clean. Place in a blender with sugar. Blend smoothly.step1-grind
  2. Transfer to a metal strainer. Place chopped watermelon in blender and grind smoothly.step2-grind
  3. Strain through metal strainer and mix well. Adjust water, sugar if needed. Serve

Prepare and refrigerate so that you can enjoy whenever you feel like throughout the day!


The post Strawberry watermelon juice recipe appeared first on Raks Kitchen.

from Raks Kitchen

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