Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pista mousse recipe, White chocolate pistachio mousse recipe

pista mousse recipe

Pista mousse recipe a quick and easy dessert to make.Pistachio mousse recipe with step by step pictures.

I had the a pack of cream so wanted to try this pista mousse, as it was summer the kids too enjoyed it very much.

More mousse recipes

pista mousse recipe

Pista mousse recipe, White chocolate pista mousse recipe

Pista mousse recipe a quick to make dessert with pista flavour.

  • 1/2 cup whipped cream
  • 1/4 cup white chocolate
  • 1 tbsp pistachios
  • a pinch cardamom powder
  1. Take cream in a mixing bowl whisk well until soft and until soft peak forms.
  2. To a heat safe bowl add cooking chocolate.Using double boiler method(the bowl containing chocolate should not touch water)melt the chocolate and set aside to cool.

  3. To a mortar and pestle add pistachios, crush them to a coarse mixture.Now take cream.
  4. Add crushed pistachios to it(reserving a tsp for garnish).Add melted chocolate and cardamom to it.
  5. Mix well.Spoon the mixture and add to serving glasses.
  6. Garnish with crushed pistachios and edible silver beads.Chill atleast for an hour before serving.
  7. Serve chilled!

Add sugar if needed.The mild sweetness was just right for us.

How to make pista mousse recipe:

    1. Take cream in a mixing bowl whisk well until soft and until soft peak forms.
      How to make tutti frutti icecream recipe - Step1
  1. To a heat safe bowl add cooking chocolate.Using double boiler method(the bowl containing chocolate should not touch water)melt the chocolate and set aside to cool.
    How to make pista mousse recipe - Step1
  2. To a mortar and pestle add pistachios, crush them to a coarse mixture.Now take cream.
    How to make pista mousse recipe - Step2
  3. Add crushed pistachios to it(reserving a tsp for garnish).Add melted chocolate and cardamom to it.Add sugar if needed.
    How to make pista mousse recipe - Step3
  4. Mix well.Spoon the mixture and add to serving glasses.
    How to make pista mousse recipe - Step3
  5. Garnish with crushed pistachios and edible silver beads.Chill atleast for an hour before serving.
    How to make pista mousse recipe - Step3

Serve chilled!
pista mousse recipe

Frozen cappuccino popsicles ready!

pista mousse recipe

The post Pista mousse recipe, White chocolate pistachio mousse recipe appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions http://bit.ly/2Le1ciw

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