Thursday, June 3, 2021

Watermelon rind dosa recipe | Watermelon rind recipes

Watermelon rind dosa is an easy way to reduce wastage by making use of the rind. Easy recipe with step by step photos, video.

watermelon rind dosa

I have long time wish to some recipe with watermelon rind for long time. Though I have seen many recipes using watermelon rind, don’t even remembered if it was kootu, poriyal or what. I decided to make kootu for the day’s side dish. Last minute plan changed as I wanted to try something I love….dosa!

So I googled for watermelon rind dosa and found a traditional recipe which uses poha, coconut along with rice and watermelon rind. I then decided making same way like we use sorakkai or tapioca adai, but then in dosa form.

Only thing I forgot and repent is adding coconut along. If you want you can try adding grated coconut while grinding the batter. This recipe inspiration is from my own post verum airisi dosa. Except making use of the watermelon rind.

watermelon rind recipes

🍉 Ingredients

Watermelon rind – After using the watermelon, scrap out completely the fruit part if anything is attached. Cut into small wedges to make it easy to slice off the green part and use the white part. It’s juice and little softer. Chop this white part roughly and use in the recipe.

Rice – I used idli dosa rice (parboiled) meant for making idli, dosa. You can also use regular eating parboiled rice or raw rice but the results will be slightly dry than moist.

The dosa has very mild flavor from watermelon rind. It is not very strong.

📖 Variations

  • Use ¼ cup grated coconut while grinding.
  • Adding ¼ cup rice flakes/ poha/ aval gives softer results. But at times it makes the dosa stick to pan also. So add less carefully.
  • Skip onion and use asafoetida. I suggest adding coconut in that case for more flavor.
  • You can omit the tempering part and add just chopped green chilli and curry leaves, coriander leaves.
  • Ginger can also be used for extra flavor.
  • You can make it crisp or soft it is up to you. The dosa doesn’t take much oil, so add carefully only few drops.

🎥 Video

Are you more of a video person? Here’s a quick video.

💭 Top tip

  • Instead of fermenting for 8 hours, you can also make it in an hour. Though I love the fermented dosa’s flavor and taste best.
  • You can grind red chilli along the batter and make as such instead of tempering.
  • Grind as smooth as possible for softest texture.
  • Use ice cold water for grinding to avoid over heating of the batter while grinding as we are trying to grind smooth.
  • If eating later, keep inside a hot box (casserole) and serve.
  • You can also use coconut oil to cook, for excellent flavor.

📝 Troubleshooting

Over fermentation at times leads to dosa sticking to pan. If you have leftovers especially, next day it sticks. To avoid this, drain the clear liquid standing on top of the batter and then mix a pinch of salt and make thick dosa instead of thin ones.

You can also add a hand full of rava and try.

If ratio of watermelon is more or water quantity in the batter is more, it sticks to pan as well.

At times, depending on the rice variety or dosa pan, heat of the pan, the dosa may have white dry spots. To avoid this, you can cook covered. Sometimes it may go off when you flip and cook itself.

watermelon rind dosa featured
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Watermelon rind dosa recipe

Watermelon rind dosa is an easy way to reduce wastage by making use of the rind. Easy recipe with step by step photos, video.
Course Breakfast
Cuisine Indian
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Fermentation 8 hours
Total Time 8 hours 45 minutes
Servings 12 Dosa

Equipments (Amazon Affiliate links)

  • Cast iron tawa
Cup measurements


  • 2 cups Idli dosa rice
  • 2 cups Watermelon rind
  • Salt as needed

To temper

  • 2 tsp Oil
  • ½ tsp Mustard
  • 1 tsp Urad dal
  • 1 Sprig Curry leaves
  • 1 onion
  • 2 Green chilli


  • First, wash rice well and soak with enough water for 3 hours.
  • Then grind in two batches. First half with ½ cup ice water until smooth.
  • Remaining half with watermelon rind, no water.
  • Transfer to mixing bowl, mix with enough salt and set aside for fermentation about 8 hours.
  • Next day, temper with the items given under to temper table in order.
  • Mix with the batter and adjust water consistency if needed. I love thin batter as it gives softest results.
  • Heat a tawa and drizzle little oil. Smear it everywhere to grease the dosakal. Take a ladle full of batter, pour from outside as a ring and then fill another ladle of batter in the middle.
  • Cook in medium flame. Once the color changes from whitish to translucent at most of the places, flip and cook for 30 seconds.
  • Remove in a plate once done. Repeat to finish the batter.



  • Do not add more watermelon rind ratio than mentioned.
  • Remove any fruit pulp stuck in the rind before using.
  • While slicing the white portion alone from the green part, take care not to cut your fingers. 

📸 Step by step photos

1. First, wash rice well and soak with enough water for 3 hours. Slice off the green portion from watermelon rind. Scrap off excess fruit pulp. Use just the white soft portion. Chop roughly.

soaked rice, chopped rind

2. Then grind in two batches. First half with ½ cup ice water until smooth.

grind smooth

3. Remaining half with watermelon rind, no water.

remaining with rind

4. Transfer to mixing bowl, mix with enough salt and set aside for fermentation about 8 hours.

add salt, ferment

5. Next day, temper with the items given under to temper table in order. Saute until onion is golden.

temper, saute onion

6. Mix with the batter and adjust water consistency if needed. I love thin batter as it gives softest results.


7. Heat a tawa and drizzle little oil. Smear it everywhere to grease the dosakal. Take a ladle full of batter, pour from outside as a ring and then fill another ladle of batter in the middle.

8. Cook in medium flame. Once the color changes from whitish to translucent at most of the places, flip and cook for 30 seconds.

make dosa

9. Remove in a plate once done. Repeat to finish the batter.

Serve with chutney or idli podi. It tastes good even if it cools down.

serve with chutney, idli podi

The post Watermelon rind dosa recipe | Watermelon rind recipes appeared first on Raks Kitchen.

from Raks Kitchen

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