Sunday, June 20, 2021

Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe

Pallipalayam mushroom fry a spicy fry made with mushrooms, shallots,red chillies and coconut as main ingredients.

Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe

Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe with step by step pictures and video. An easy spicy mushroom fry famous in Erode district.

I have tasted Pallipalayam chicken in a hotel and wanted to give it a try. But when I saw fresh mushrooms changed the idea and made Pallipalayam mushroom. Ths Pallipalayam cuisine got its name as its famous in a town named ‘Pallipalayam’ near Erode.Pallipalayam chicken is famous find by Chef Jacob who is no more now.

This Pallipalayam dish is very popular in restaurants in and around Kongunadu. It includes Pallipalayam chicken, mushroom,paneer etc.

Pallipalayam mushroom is a spicy fry made with mushrooms, lots of shallots(small onion), red chillies and coconut as main ingredients. The orginal pallipalayam style includes no major ingredients added including spice powders, the flavour comes just from the shallots, red chillies and coconut. But I added few spice powders to make it more flavourful. The coconut bits add a great crunch to this dish so don’t miss it.

Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe:

This is a quick and easy recipe to make. To begin with first clean mushroom set aside. Heat coconut oil – add red chillies, curry leaves let it splutter. Add small onion, ginger garlic paste saute tunil golden, then add tomatoes saute until mushy and raw smell leaves. Add mushroom, coconut along with spice powders give a quick saute. Saute for 2 mins then add very little water, cook until slightly dry. Finally add coocnut oil,curry leaves, pepper powder give a quick saute and switch off.


  • You can skip the spice powders as in the orginal recipe.
  • You can crush small onion along with coconut and add it too but I prefer adding in chopped bits.
  • Replace mushroom with cauliflower, paneer , chicken etc.
  • Coconut oil gives great flavour to this dish but you can replace it with normal cooking oil too.


  • Serve with roti, chapathi, parotta etc.
  • It goes well with rice, pulao too.

Related recipes:

Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe

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Pallipalayam mushroom fry recipe

Pallipalayam mushroom fry a spicy fry made with mushrooms, shallots,red chillies and coconut as main ingredients.
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Indian
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 2
Author Sharmilee J


  • 2 tbsp oil coconut oil +1 tsp coconut oil for garnish
  • 5 nos red chillies broken
  • few curry leaves + for garnish
  • 1 cup small onion finely chopped
  • 1 tsp ginger garlic paste
  • 1 medium sized tomato
  • 200 gms mushroom
  • 1/4 cup coconut finely chopped
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp coriander powder
  • 1/2 tsp garam masala powder
  • 1/2 tsp pepper powder + 1/2 tsp pepper powder
  • 1/4 cup water
  • salt to taste


  • To begin with first heat coconut oil - add rec chillies, curry leaves. Give a quick saute.
  • Add chopped small onion, ginger garlic paste.
  • Saute until golden.
  • Add tomatoes.
  • Saute until mushy and raw smell leaves.
  • Add cleaned mushroom, coconut bits.
  • Add salt, turmeric pwoder, coriander powder, garam masala powder and  pepper powder.
  • Saute for 2 mins until the masalas are nicely blended.
  • Add 1/4 cup water- do not add more.
  • Cook covered for 2-3 mins.
  • Open give a quick mix.Cook until its slightly dry.
  • Finally add curryleaves, coconut oil and pepper powder.
  • Give a quick mix and Switch off.
  • Serve hot with rice.



  • You can skip tomatoes and make it with just small onion, red chillies and coconut too.
  • The orginal pallipalayam recipe requires no major ingredients just small onion, red chillies, curry leaves, coconut along with mushroom.
  • You can replace small onion with big onion too but small onion adds more flavour to this dish.
  • Mushroom leaves water and cooks faster too, so saute well check and then add water to cook if needed.
  • The dish should not be too dry or watery, it should be moist with masalas coated.

Step by step method to make Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe:

1.To begin with first heat coconut oil – add rec chillies, curry leaves. Give a quick saute.Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry add red chillies, curry leaves

2.Add chopped small onion, ginger garlic paste.add small onion, ginger garlic paste

3.Saute until golden.Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry saute until golden

4.Add tomatoes.Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry add tomatoes

5.Saute until mushy and raw smell leaves.saute until mushy6.Add cleaned mushroom, coconut bits.Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry add mushroom, coconut

7.Add salt, turmeric pwoder, coriander powder, garam masala powder and  pepper powder.add spice powders

8.Saute for 2 mins until the masalas are nicely blended.saute for 2 mins

9.Add 1/4 cup water- do not add more.Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry add water

10.Cook covered for 2-3 mins.cook covered

11.Open give a quick mix.Cook until its slightly dry.give a quick saute

12.Finally add curryleaves, coconut oil and pepper powder. Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry garnish13.Give a quick mix and Switch off.Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry switch off

Serve hot with rice.

Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry

My tips while making Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe:

  • You can skip tomatoes and make it with just small onion, red chillies and coconut too.
  • The orginal pallipalayam recipe requires no major ingredients just small onion, red chillies, curry leaves, coconut along with mushroom.
  • You can replace small onion with big onion too but small onion adds more flavour to this dish.
  • Mushroom leaves water and cooks faster too, so saute well check and then add water to cook if needed.
  • The dish should not be too dry or watery, it should be moist with masalas coated.


Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry

The post Pallipalayam Mushroom Fry Recipe appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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