Sunday, June 6, 2021

Soft Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Soft scrambled eggs which is fluffy and creamy best to pair up with toasts.

Scrambled eggs recipe

Scrambled eggs recipe with step by step pictures and video. An easy way to get perfect soft creamy custardy scrambled eggs everytime. I tell you its absolutely delicious on toasts, do try and enjoy!

The key to get soft scrambled eggs is to cook on and off the stove. I learnt this method from here. I loved the easy way he uses to get perfect scrambled eggs. Another tip I learnt from experience is whisking the eggs well. Whisking helps in incorporating air which results in fluffy soft scrambled eggs.

About this Scrambled Eggs Recipe:

To begin with first crack open eggs in a bowl this is to check whether are good to go. I always do this instead of cracking directly inside the pan to avoid the mess. Beat it using a fork for a minute. Then heat a pan in the lowest heat as possible brush it with butter. Then add the egg mixture immediately. Keep pushing the eggs from the sides gently using a spatula. When it still goey add fresh cream, give a quick mix and switch off. While doing this you can lift the pan mix then keep in stove. This is to avoid the heat to the pan on and off. Finally add salt, pepper and spring onion(option). Switch off and Serve hot with toast.


  • You can serve it as such or with salt and pepper.
  • Adding spring onion is optional but gives a nice flavour.
  • If you don’t have cream you can skip it or replace with 1 tsp milk. It is added to make it more creamy.
  • I like soft and slightly goey scrambled eggs not too goey. But its your preference actually.
  • You can add another tsp of butter finally while switching off too.

Other Egg Recipes:

Scrambled eggs recipe


Soft scrambled eggs recipe

Soft scrambled eggs which is fluffy and creamy best to pair up with toasts.
Course Breakfast, Main Course, Snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1
Author Sharmilee J


  • 2 nos eggs
  • 1 tbsp fresh cream
  • 1/4 tsp pepper freshly cracked
  • salt to taste
  • spring onion optional


  • To begin with first crack open eggs in a bowl.
  • Using a fork or whisk, whisk it well for a minute.
  • Heat a pan.Add butter immediately to a pan brush it well so that its even on all sides.Keep flame at the lowest as possible.
  • Add egg mixture.
  • Push the eggs from the side using a spatula.
  • Keep mixing gently.
  • When it still goey add fresh cream. Switch off the flame.
  • While doing this you can lift the pan mix then keep in stove. This is to avoid the heat directly to the pan on and off.
  • Add salt, freshly cracked pepepr give a quick mix.This is all done after switching off. You can even remove the pan from stove and do this.
  • Sprinkle spring onion. This is optional.
  • Give a mix and soft scrambled eggs is ready!
  • Toast bread with butter.
  • Toast until crisp on both the sides until golden.
  • Serve it with toast.
  • Tastes so good! Do try and enjoy!



  • Switching off, lifting the pan on and off gives it the perfect soft texture.
  • You can switch off then remove the pan, cook and then out it back to the stove and cook. I find it difficult so lift and pan and cook.
  • Adding cream gives a nice creaminess.You can replace it with milk too.
  • Use a pan which is less sticky. I used my seasoned steel pan.

If you have any more questions about this soft scrambled eggs recipe do mail me at In addition, follow me on InstagramFacebookPinterest ,Youtube and Twitter .

Tried this soft scrambled eggs recipe ? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

Step by step method to make Egg Scramble Recipe:

1.To begin with first crack open eggs in a bowl.Scrambled eggs recipe crack open eggs

2.Using a fork or whisk, whisk it well for a minute.Scrambled eggs recipe mix eggs

3.Heat a pan.Add butter immediately to a pan brush it well so that its even on all sides.Keep flame at the lowest as possible.add butter

4.Add egg mixture.Scrambled eggs recipe pour eggs

5.Push the eggs from the side using a spatula.Scrambled eggs recipe push towards center

6.Keep mixing gently.scramble eggs slowly

7.When it still goey add fresh cream. Switch off the flame.add cream

8.While doing this you can lift the pan mix then keep in stove. This is to avoid the heat directly to the pan on and off.scramble it

9.Add salt, freshly cracked pepepr give a quick mix.This is all done after switching off. You can even remove the pan from stove and do this.Scrambled eggs recipe add salt and pepper

10.Sprinkle spring onion. This is optional.add spring onion

11.Give a mix and soft scrambled eggs is ready!Scrambled eggs recipe soft and creamy

12.Toast bread with butter.add bread slices

13.Toast until crisp on both the sides until golden.toast until golden

14.Serve it with toast.assemble & serve

Tastes so good! Do try and enjoy!

My tips while making Soft scrambled eggs:

  • Switching off, lifting the pan on and off gives it the perfect soft texture.
  • You can switch off then remove the pan, cook and then out it back to the stove and cook. I find it difficult so lift and pan and cook.
  • Adding cream gives a nice creaminess.You can replace it with milk too.
  • Use a pan which is less sticky. I used my seasoned steel pan.

And do you like my egg storag e basket. Read more story about this here.

The post Soft Scrambled Eggs Recipe appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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