Thursday, June 24, 2021

Easy tortilla pizza recipe, Quick snack ideas

Tortilla pizza recipe, easy, quick and tasty snack idea, perfect for single serving or for sudden pizza cravings.

Tortilla pizza

Easy snack

Ever since pandemic started and our life changed, restaurant visits is totally cut down. Order in also is very rare, but our hunger pangs remain the same.

With everyone at home, we always look out for easy, quick snack ideas. This is one such idea recently hit me why I have not tried it so far. When I bought mini wraps for my cheesy potato quesadillas, I also got low carb wrap and made this for dinner.

I wanted to blog it right away but timing didn’t work, so this time again ordered the regular wrap and made tortilla pizza exclusively for blogging (read as ‘in the name of’)

🍕 Ingredients

Base / Wrap – You can use homemade tortillas as well as store bought, but the easiest is store bought. Many varieties are available, whole meal, low carb, quinoa, flax seeds, multi grain. The choice is yours.

You can definitely use leftover Chapathi (Indian flat bread) and make the same.

Sauce – My go to option is pasta sauce. I buy the one with basil in it. So it is perfect to use as pizza sauce. Make sure to add a sprinkle of sea salt for balancing the taste.

Also herbs and chilli flakes / crushed black pepper can be added in sauce for perfect balance of taste.

If you want you can use pizza sauce available at groceries or make your own too.

Toppings – I used thinly sliced red onion, tomato, capsicum and zucchini. But whichever we do for regular pizza, you can also do for this. Love pineapple, go ahead. Make it more nutritious by adding olives, mushrooms etc.

No time for that as well? just make it as a plain cheese pizza or Margherita too.

Cheese – Use good quality cheese for best results. My favorite is perfect Italiano & next choice Emborg, both of them readily available at Fairprice (Singapore).

More cheese means, some people say tasty some people say guilty. So depending on your priority, the amount can be varied.

Easy tortilla pizza


Is video more your thing? Watch the video here.

My notes

  • Since the tortillas are soft and thin base, make sure to place it in the baking tray and start assembling the pizza. Otherwise it will be hard to transfer.
  • As soon as you assemble, bake it right away to prevent it become soggy.
  • Leave some space in the outer circumference for giving space in case cheese melts.
  • Amount of cheese is purely your choice.

Recipe card

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Tortilla pizza recipe

Tortilla pizza recipe, easy, quick and tasty snack idea, perfect for single serving or for sudden pizza cravings.
Course Dinner
Cuisine Global
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 6 pizzas
Cup measurements


  • 6 Tortillas
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Tomato
  • ½ Capsicum
  • ¼ Zucchini
  • ¾ cup Pasta sauce
  • or Pizza sauce
  • ½ tsp Oregano
  • 2 tsp Chilli flakes


  • Take out the oven baking tray. Place tortillas over it. I made two in one tray.
  • Spread about 2 tbsp of sauce. Sprinkle some sea salt, Italian herb like oregano. Cover the base with cheese.
  • Top it with the sliced vegetables. I like to add little more cheese on the top.
  • preheat oven at 200 deg c for 10 mins.
  • Put the tray inside in the oven, middle rack and bake for 9 to 10 mins.
  • The cheese should melt and bubble, turn golden here and there.
  • Take out and cut to serve.



  • Since the tortillas are soft and thin base, make sure to place it in the baking tray and start assembling the pizza. Otherwise it will be hard to transfer.
  • As soon as you assemble, bake it right away to prevent it become soggy.
  • Leave some space in the outer circumference for giving space in case cheese melts. Amount of cheese is purely your choice.

Stepwise photos

1. Take out the oven baking tray. Place tortillas over it. I made two in one tray.

tortilla wraps

2. Spread about 2 tbsp of sauce. Sprinkle some sea salt, Italian herb like oregano. Cover the base with cheese.

sauce, cheese

3. Top it with the sliced vegetables. I like to add little more cheese on the top. Preheat oven at 200 deg C for 10 mins. Put the tray inside in the oven, middle rack and bake for 9 to 10 mins. The cheese should melt and bubble, turn golden here and there.

top, bake

4. Take out and cut to serve.

done, cut

Easiest tortilla pizza, tastes just like a thin crust pizza, wonderful taste.

The post Easy tortilla pizza recipe, Quick snack ideas appeared first on Raks Kitchen.

from Raks Kitchen

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