Sunday, January 30, 2022

Bakery style vanilla muffins recipe

Bakery style vanilla muffins recipe with step by step pictures & video. Learn how to make perfectly domed and puffed bakery style vanilla muffins recipe either using all purpose flour or using wheat flour.

vanilla muffins recip

Vanilla Muffin is a delicious, spongy cake made using few available ingredients. This Bakery Style Vanilla Muffin can be made in minutes and a wonder bloomed in paper liners.

About Bakery Style Vanilla Muffins Recipe

I started baking Bakery Style Vanilla Muffin by using store bought All Purpose Flour (Maida) as the primary ingredient a decade back. Now this recipe has evolved with lot of changes to the primary ingredient such as homemade maida, mix of homemade maida & wheat flour in different ratios and these days with 100% wheat flour. The beauty of the recipe is that all the versions get us tasty & spongy muffins.

Vanilla Muffins 2 Variations

I have posted 2 variations – Vanilla muffin with all purpose flour & Vanilla muffin with wheat flour for your easy reference & to try both variations.

If you have just started baking, vanilla muffins is a good choice to gain experience, try lot of variations and move on to next level of cake baking.

Eggless Versions

I have also posted eggless versions of vanilla muffins that you can check out.

Why this Bakery Style Vanilla Muffins Recipe works?

  • Easy to make
  • Simple ingredients
  • Works both with All Purpose Flour & Wheat Flour
  • Can be done in less than an hour from scratch to mouth
  • Recipe tried & liked by lot of readers

Vanilla Muffins Ingredients

  • Flour: Use All Purpose Flour / Refined Wheat Flour / Maida if you have no limitations to gluten! Else suggest using homemade Wheat Flour or store bought wheat flour.
  • Vanilla Extract:  The Vanilla extract determines the flavour & aroma of the muffin – Homemade vanilla extract or store bought vanilla extract can be used for this recipe.
  • Baking Soda & Baking powder: Baking soda & Baking powder are the leavening agents. Use just the prescribed quantity for a spongy, bubble loaded muffin.
  • Butter : Use Homemade butter or store bought butter. If it is store bought, make sure it is not salted. Melt the butter and cool down to room temperature before using it in the recipe.
  • Sugar, Eggs & Milk : Suggest to use white sugar, white / brown eggs and boiled & cooled milk as is. Cane sugar is an healthy alternative but it will have a slight impact on the taste and you may have increase the quantity accordingly to your sweet preferences.
vanilla muffins recip

If you have any more questions about this Bakery Style Vanilla Muffins Recipe   do mail me at In addition, follow me on InstagramFacebookPinterest ,Youtube and Twitter .

Tried this Bakery Style Vanilla Muffins Recipe ? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.


Bakery style vanilla muffins recipe

Bakery style vanilla muffins recipe a well puffed up soft and spogy muffins made with wheat flour.
Course Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine Indian
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Author Sharmilee J


Dry Mix

  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt

Wet Mix:

  • 1/2 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1 no egg at room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup curd
  • 1/4 cup melted butter


Serving: 0g | Carbohydrates: 0g | Protein: 0g | Fat: 0g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 0mg | Potassium: 0mg | Fiber: 0g | Sugar: 0g | Vitamin A: 0IU | Vitamin C: 0mg | Calcium: 0mg | Iron: 0mg

How to make Bakery Style Vanilla Muffins

1.Gather all your ingredients.

gather your ingredients

2.To a sieve : add 1 cup maida / all purpose flour, 1 tsp baking powder and 1/8 tsp salt.

add dry ingredients

3.Sieve it well. Set aside.

whisk it well

4.To another mixing bowl : Add 1/2 cup sugar, 1 egg at room temperature and 1 tsp vanilla essence.

add egg sugar

5.Whisk it well until the mixture turns pale.

whisk well

6.Now add 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 cup curd and 1/4 cup melted butter.

add butter,milk and curd

7.Whisk it well.

whisk it well

8.Now add flour mix.

add flour mix

9.Gently fold in using cut and fold method using a spatula until no dry flour is seen. Do not overmix even if small small lumps are seen it is just ok. If you overmix then the muffins will turn out hard.

fold in gently

10.Scoop out the batter using a icecream scooper.

scoop out batter

11.Line muffin liners in a muffin pan and keep it ready. Now fill the batter almost 3/4th of the liner. While doing this you can preheat the oven at 180 deg C for 10 mins.

fill in muffin liner

12.Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg C for 23-25 mins or until a toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean without sticking.


13.Cool down on a wirerack then store. Or enjoy warm muffins if you like them.

muffins ready

14.Bakery style vanilla muffins ready.

vanilla muffins ready

15.Soft spongy bakery style vanilla muffins ready.

soft muffins ready
vanilla muffins ready

Serving & Storage Suggestion

Vanilla muffins are a great choice for breakfast or as an anytime snack. They keep good for 2 days when stored in air tight containers. But this recipe uses milk so I would suggest to store in fridge after a day and consume.Muffins become dry when aged, hence best to consume fresh and within a day or two.

Expert Tips

  • No glove – no oven : Always use protective gear like thick gloves, silicone cups while handling the oven
  • Do not mix all ingredients in a single bowl at one go. Milk, Sugar, Egg, Vanilla extract has to be blend separately & added so that the flavours & taste is uniform
  • Taste the batter for sweetness before baking if you are using cane sugar & add if need be & whisk accordingly. The orginal recipes used just 1/3 cup sugar which was a bit low in sweet for our taste buds so I always use 1/2 cup sugar.
  • Be watchful say from 15 minutes after baking start time to see if the muffin had started rising & is not getting burnt as ovens vary with wattage & make.
  • Use 2 paper liners for each mould so that the outer liner is bright and makes a good presentation as I have done for my wheat flour muffins below.


1.The muffin batter is sticky when i tested with tooth pick after 20 minutes of baking time – what should I do?

Bake for 5-8 more minutes till the muffin rises above the liner to doom shape. Be watchful and do not allow it to get dark/ burnt. Still if it is not raising & dough sticks to tooth pick recall if you had preheated the oven and extend baking accordingly. If all the steps were followed correctly and still an issue, it has to with the quality/ageing of the baking powder or soda.

2.Can I prepare the muffin mix and bake it later or store a portion of the mix for later?

Yes you can prepare the muffin mix a day earlier or store a portion of the mix for a day by refrigerating it in a closed container. However fresh batter always makes the muffins rise perfectly.

3.Can I add choco chip to the muffins?

Yes very much. You can add raisins, tutti fruitti, dry fruits, and nuts as well. Mix them at the last stage of batter preparation and top it after filling the muffin mix in the mould.

4.How is cup cake different from muffin?

Muffins are bigger in size and more of a healthy variation to cupcakes. Muffins mostly do not use fancy ingredients plus no frostings. Muffins are so big that they can be had for an ideal breakfast too. Cup cakes are smaller in size when compared to muffins, generally frosted though not mandatory.

5.Should the milk be boiled and used in this recipe?

Not necessarily – Milk can be used raw or boiled & cooled. But I always use boiled, cooled milk.

6.Can I use this recipe for making muffins using wheat flour?

Yes you can but make sure to add a bit more of milk, curd may be 1/3 cup cup each to balance the dryness.

vanilla muffins ready

Vanilla Muffins using whole wheat flour

Learn how to make perfectly domed and puffed bakery style vanilla muffins recipe using wheat flour.

vanilla muffins ready

After I tried homemade maida I stopped buying from stores.Then slowly gave up making from scratch so these days using wheat flour for all my bakes and it has 90% not let me down and as a bonus my kids love homemade bakes so I bake atleast once a month.

On our usual conversation my neighbor once warned me not to give baked goodies often to kids(even if its homemade)…yes I agree but still my thought is homemade goodies including baked are far better than the store bought ones as u exactly know what goes into it plus its freshly made. So once or twice a month its ok to have homemade baked goodies as I don’t want to grab their pleasure of eating them atleast once in a while.


Dry Mix

1 and 1/2 cups wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

Wet Mix
1/4 cup unsalted butter (melted)
1/2 cup granulated white sugar
1 no egg at room temperature

1. To a mixing bowl – add wheat flour,baking powder,baking soda and salt to it.

2.Whisk it well for even mixing.

3.To another bowl add melted butter.

4.Add sugar to it.

5.Add egg to it.

6.Beat until fluffy.

7.Add milk to it.

8.Add vanilla essence.

9.Beat it once again. Not a must to use electric beater you can use hand whisk itself.

10.Now add this wet mixture to flour mixture.

11.Add it atonce.

12.Use a spatula to gently fold in do not overmix. Just fold in using cut and fold method until no dry flour is seen. The batter will be slightly thick as shown.

13.Scoop out the batter using a icecream scooper.

14.Line muffin liners in a muffin pan. Add batter till 3/4 th of the liner. Preheat oven at 180 deg C.

15.Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg C for 20 mins or a tooth pick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Soft fluffy bakery style muffins ready!

The post Bakery style vanilla muffins recipe appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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