Thursday, May 16, 2019

Tender coconut kulfi recipe, How to make tender coconut kulfi

tender coconut kulfi recipe

Tender coconut kulfi recipe a delicious tender coconut flavored kulfi.Tender coconut or elaneer is easily available everywhere especially during summers and this is one of the best natural body coolant.Mittu is fond of tender coconut and any recipes with it so I made sure to try few new varieties this summer for her to enjoy and for me to post here too 🙂

More kulfi recipes

More tender coconut recipes

tender coconut kulfi recipe

How to make tender coconut kulfi recipe:

  1. Chop tender coconut into small pieces.If you get more pulpy tender coconut then you can use it and add few pieces so that while biting it comes in between.Boil milk then simmer for 5 mins till it reduces a bit.
    How to make tender coconut kulfi recipe - Step1
  2. Add condensed milk and chopped pistachios to it.Simmer for 2 mins then switch off.
    How to make tender coconut kulfi recipe - Step2
  3. Then add chopped tender coconut pieces along with sugar.Mix well.
    How to make tender coconut kulfi recipe - Step3
  4. Let the mixture cool down completely.Then pour into kulfi moulds.
    How to make tender coconut kulfi recipe - Step3
  5. Wrap with foil, insert icecream sticks.Freeze for 6 to 8 hours.I freezed it overnight, next day show the moulds under running tap water, gently pull out the kulfi and serve immediately.
    How to make tender coconut kulfi recipe - Step3

Serve immediately!
tender coconut kulfi recipe

Yummy tender coconut kulfi ready!

tender coconut kulfi recipe

The post Tender coconut kulfi recipe, How to make tender coconut kulfi appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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