Sunday, April 7, 2019

Mutta chapathi recipe, Egg chapathi recipe

mutta chapathi recipe

Mutta chapathi recipe leftover chapathi tossed along with spices and egg.Tasty and easy egg chapathi recipe with step by step pictures.You can use leftover chapathis too,

This mutta chapathi has many special memories attached with it.During school days in my friends house there was a custom of having ragi koozh early morning and then this mutta chapathi for breakfast every sunday. I used to be almost full after having ragi koozh itself but still used to wait for this as I loved it so much, it was very simple tempering with egg still it tased yum. Hers was a quite a big family with 3 sisters and I always remember the good times spent with them whenever I make this.I lost in touch with my friend but still I cud sense the taste of some dishes aunty makes. Whenever I want to treat myself even with the laziness I have, I would make chapathi from the scratch just to make this and this simple dish soo much.

Egg kothu chapathi recipe here

mutta chapathi recipe

How to make mutta chapathi recipe:

  1. Take the chapathis, tear it roughly and set aside.
    How to make mutta chapathi recipe - Step1
  2. Heat oil in a kadai – add mustard seeds let it splutter then add curry leaves and green chillies quickly saute.Add onion and saute until it turns transparent.Then add tomatoes.
    How to make mutta chapathi recipe - Step2
  3. Saute for few min then using a masher mash it up, then keep sauteing until it turns mushy.
    How to make mutta chapathi recipe - Step3
  4. Add fennel seeds powder give a quick saute.Then add eggs and pepper powder.Scramble well.
    How to make mutta chapathi recipe - Step3
  5. Once it gets scrambled well add the torn chapathi pieces.Toss well until coated.
    How to make mutta chapathi recipe - Step3

Switch off and serve hot!
mutta chapathi recipe

Hot mutta chapathi ready to be served!

mutta chapathi recipe

The post Mutta chapathi recipe, Egg chapathi recipe appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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