Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Javvarisi Payasam | Sago Payasam

Javvarisi Payasam is a delicious creamy dessert made by cooking javvarisi / sago with milk, sugar and flavored with cardamom finally garnished with ghee fried nuts & raisins. Javvarisi Payasam also called as Sago Payasam is a special festive kheer which can be made in minutes and loved by all for its taste. Javvarisi Payasam Recipe is explained in this post with step by step pictures and video.

sago payasam in 2 glass bowl garnished with ghee fried cashews and nuts with spoons on the sides

Sago / Javvarisi Payasam is one of the easiest payasam recipes like Semiya Payasam. As tamil new year is nearing I wanted to post this simple easy payasam which has been long due here in this space. I used to call this balls payasam as a kid and I am still bowled out to see the cute looking balls, aren’t they cute?!

About Javvarisi Payasam

Javvarisi Payasam is one of the easiest payasam or kheer recipes that you can try even as a beginner. You just need 20 minutes to make this rich, creamy pudding. It is a gluten free kheer that many can enjoy.

Javvarisi Payasam – Sago pearls are known as Javvarisi in tamil and kheer is tamil is payasam so hence the name Javvarisi Payasam.

Javvarisi as it is called in Tamil or Sago or Tapioca pearls in English or Sabudana in Hindi, Sabakki in Kannada and Chowari in Malayalam. Sago is starchy, round shaped pearls extracted from tapioca or yuca root. The largest supply of sago comes from Southeast Asia.

Sago pearls are more commonly used in many parts of the world, just boil it in water mix with milk and sugar and your Sago Pudding is ready. We call it Javvarisi Payasam in Tamil, Sabudana kheer in Hindi, Sago Pudding in English and Saggubiyyam Payasam in Telugu.

The method of making Sago Payasam I’ve shared is very helpful as it can be made with or without soaking sago. Soaking sago helps in cooking it faster also gives soft sago balls in the payasam.

sago payasam in 2 glass bowl garnished with ghee fried cashews and nuts with spoons on the sides

The flavoring can be changed according to ones liking. You can add cardamom powder which is the best combo for this payasam or even saffron. If you like the temple flavor in your dessert then add a pinch of edible camphor.

You can have the payasam as such or dunk few papads / medu vadas into the payasam and feast on it – yes I love it that way. Both kids love this Sago Payasam so I make it at least once a month.

You can add jaggery instead of white sugar if you prefer. But make sure to dissolve in water to remove impurities then add it. But jaggery syrup when added to hot milk may curdle the milk so simmer and then add it.

This dessert is super easy to make in just 20-25 minutes without the soaking time. This is a great way to include sago pearls in dessert form.

sago payasam in 2 glass bowl garnished with ghee fried cashews and nuts with spoons on the sides

Sago Payasam Ingredients

  • Sago : You can use any variety of sago either the bigger white variety or the smaller nylon variety. However the bigger variety is recommended.
  • Milk : Use fresh full cream milk that is not skimmed or toned or processed. I’ve used fresh cows milk.
  • Sugar : I have used regular white sugar for making Semiya Payasam. You can alternate sugar with jaggery powder or jaggery syrup or cane sugar and make sure to increase the quantity accordingly.
  • Garnish : I always use cashews and raisins fried in ghee and use it for garnish.
  • Flavoring : I have used cardamom powder for flavouring but you can use saffron strands too.

Sago Payasam Recipe Step by Step

1.Rinse 1/2 cup sago first and drain water. I have used the bigger white variety of sago or sabudana or javvarisi.

rinse dago first

2.Add it to a bowl, soak in water till immersing level for an hour. Soaking is really not must but it helps in cooking sago faster.

soak in water till immersing level only

3.After one hour you can see the pearls grow in size as shown below.

after one the sago pearls have absorbed water

4.Rinse it well and drain water completely, Set aside.

rinse it once and drain water

5.Add 1 and 1/2 cups of water to a pan and let it boil.

boil water in a pan

6.Once it starts to boil add drained sago pearls. Give a quick stir.

add soaked sago pearls

7.Cook until it turns transparent around 10 mins. Keep stirring in between to avoid burning at the bottom.

cook until it turns transparent

8.The pearls have become transparent as shown this is perfect.

cooked sago is ready

9.Now add 2 cups milk(boiled already).

add boiled warm milk

10.Give a quick mix.

give a quick mix

11.Add 1/2 cup granulated white sugar.

add sugar to it

12.Give a quick mix. Let it cook for around 10 mins or until thick and creamy.

mix it well and simmer

13.Now it has become slightly thick.

payasam becomes thick

14.To a tadka pan add 1 tablespoon ghee – add 1 tablespoon broken cashews fry until golden.

heat ghee add cashews

15.Add 1 tablespoon raisins.

fry until golden then add raisins

16.Fry until it bubbles up well like shown. Now both cashews and raisins are fried well.

fry until it bubbles up and it is golden brown

17.Both cashews and raisins have turned golden brown so switch off.

ghee fried cashews and raisins are ready

18.Add this to payasam.

add it to the payasam

19.Add 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder.

add cardamom powder

20.Give a quick mix.

mix it well

21.Switch off. It may look running at this stage but may turn slightly thick after cooling down.

javvarisi payasam is ready

Sago Payasam is ready!

sago payasam in 2 glass bowl garnished with ghee fried cashews and nuts with spoons on the sides

Expert Tips

  • You can get the bigger variety of sago as I have used or the nylon variety too.
  • It is always better to cook sago in water first then add it to milk.
  • Always use full fat milk – Boil and use it.
  • If you have forgotten to soak sago then rinse sago once or twice then roast it in ghee, then cook in boiling water and proceed with the steps.
  • Sago payasam thickens with time so switch off accordingly or reserve 1/4 cup boiled milk to be aadded later.
  • You can add a pinch of edible camphor if you like for flavouring to get that divine taste.
  • You can also add 3-4 strands of saffron for extra flavour but I personally prefer cardamom flavour for this payasam.
  • The same recipe can be made with jaggery also if so use 1/2 cup jaggery make a slightly thick syrup and add it but make sure to simmer to avoid milk from curdling. When milk is added to hot jaggery syrup there are chances for curdling so I make sure to cool down a bit then add it. Else you can keep the flame in low then add milk
  • Soaking sago helps in easy and fast cooking. But if you are using the nylon variety sago no need to soak.
  • I used full cream milk so didn’t reduce it further. If you feel your milk is little runny then let it simmer to make it thick and creamy separately then add it to cooked sago.

Serving & Storage Suggestion

Enjoy Javvarisi Payasam as a dessert after meal hot or cold as per your preference. Refrigerate for later use. Keeps well in room temperature for a day and in fridge for about 2 days.


1.What type of Sago to use?

I have tried with both sago varieties : bigger white one and the nylon sago variety and both works well however the best sago variety to use for payasam or kheer is the white bigger variety.

2.How to cook Sago?

1.Sago to be soaked for an hour then cooked in boiling water until transparent.

2.If you forget to soak sago then rinse sago well, roast it in ghee then add it to boiling water and cook.

3.Can it be made Vegan?

Yes you can replace milk with oats milk or almond milk or soya milk but make sure to add it and not boil. You can even use coconut milk but make sure to use half and half thin and thick coconut milk.

sago payasam scooped in a ladle

If you have any more questions about this Javvarisi Payasam Recipe do mail me at sharmispassions@gmail.com. In addition, follow me on Instagram, FacebookPinterest, Youtube and Twitter .

Tried this Javvarisi Payasam Recipe ? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

📖 Recipe Card


Javvarisi Payasam | Sago Payasam

Javvarisi Payasam is a delicious creamy dessert made by cooking javvarisi / sago with milk, sugar and flavored with cardamom finally garnished with ghee fried nuts & raisins. Javvarisi Payasam also called as Sago Payasam is a special festive kheer which can be made in minutes and loved by all for its taste. Javvarisi Payasam Recipe is explained in this post with step by step pictures and video.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Indian
Keyword 30 mins recipes, dessert recipes, Festival, lunch recipes, meals, payasam, rice kheer recipes, sago recipes, sweet recipes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Servings 2 people
Calories 599kcal
Author Sharmilee J


  • 1/2 cup sago
  • 1 and 1/2 cups water
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cashews broken
  • 1 tablespoon raisins
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 1 tablespoon ghee


  • Rinse 1/2 cup sago first and drain water. I have used the bigger white variety of sago or sabudana or javvarisi.
  • Add it to a bowl, soak in water till immersing level for an hour. Soaking is really not must but it helps in cooking sago faster.
  • After one hour you can see the pearls grow in size as shown below.
  • Rinse it well and drain water completely, Set aside.
  • Add 1 and 1/2 cups of water to a pan and let it boil.
  • Once it starts to boil add drained sago pearls. Give a quick stir.
  • Cook until it turns transparent around 10 mins. Keep stirring in between to avoid burning at the bottom.
  • The pearls have become transparent as shown this is perfect.
  • Now add 2 cups milk.(boiled already).
  • Give a quick mix.
  • Add 1/2 cup granulated white sugar.
  • Give a quick mix. Let it cook for around 10 mins or until thick and creamy.
  • Now it has become slightly thick.
  • To a tadka pan add 1 tablespoon ghee – add 1 tablespoon broken cashews fry until golden.
  • Add 1 tablespoon raisins.
  • Fry until it bubbles up well like shown. Now both cashews and raisins are fried well.
  • Both cashews and raisins have turned golden brown so switch off.
  • Add this to payasam.
  • Add 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder.
  • Give a quick mix.
  • Switch off. It may look running at this stage but may turn slightly thick after cooling down.



  • You can get the bigger variety of sago too but that needs soaking I guess.
  • It is always better to cook sago in water first then add it to milk to discard the scum that floats on top while cooking sago.
  • Sago payasam thickens with time so switch off accordingly or reserve 1/4 cup milk at the time of serving.
  • You can also add 3-4 strands of saffron for extra flavour but I personally prefer cardamom flavour for this paysam.
  • The same recipe can be made with jaggery also if so use 1/2 cup jaggery make a slightly thick syrup and add it at the last stage before adding the cashews, raisins.


Serving: 150g | Calories: 599kcal | Carbohydrates: 100g | Protein: 13g | Fat: 17g | Saturated Fat: 9g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 50mg | Sodium: 192mg | Potassium: 611mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 68g | Vitamin A: 593IU | Vitamin C: 2mg | Calcium: 454mg | Iron: 1mg

The post Javvarisi Payasam | Sago Payasam appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions https://ift.tt/u8Jmy6H

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