Friday, October 20, 2023

Cumin Powder | Jeera Powder

Cumin Powder is a flavorful, handy spice made by roasting and grinding jeera to a fine powder. Cumin Powder enhances the taste of curries, gravies, salads,rice dishes etc. Cumin Powder or Jeera Powder is a must have ingredient at home to make dishes special!

cumin powder in a small beige color bowl with a wooden spoon

Jeera Powder can be used for curries.gravies, salads etc. Making homemade spice powders is always a good practice as its free from preservative, also fresh and aromatic.

About Cumin Powder

Cumin Powder also known as Jeera Powder is made by first roasting the cumin seeds until aromatic then grinding it to fine powder and storing it for later use.

Cumin seeds plays a vital role in Indian cooking. Apart from using it for many dishes cumin seeds acts as a natural home remedy for indigestion issues and has a lot of health benefits. This powder is used for many dishes including salads, curries, stir fries, soups, gravies etc.

My mother always stock this up as she adds it many dishes, so grown up watching her I also stock it up and roasted cumin powder when added to gravies gives a great flavor. This quantity lasts for me for 3 months.

Recipe Index

cumin powder in a small beige color bowl

Why Homemade Cumin Powder?

Store bought cumin powder can never have the fresh aroma and flavor as homemade. Also homemade cumin powder is free from artificial colors and preservatives. So I always make it in small batches to keep it fresh and aromatic.

It takes just less than 20 minutes to make cumin powder at home. You need good quality cumin seeds preferably organic variety to make this cumin powder.

Cumin powder comes in 2 forms :

  • Raw Cumin Powder – Here the cumin seeds are just dried and powdered. This is added for simmering dishes like soups and curries.
  • Roasted Cumin Powder – Cumin seeds are roasted first until aromatic then powdered. This powder can be added for many dishes even at the final stage as it is pre-roasted. This is also called roasted jeera powder or bhuna jeera powder.


Jeera – Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds, also known as jeera is a popular spice used in various cuisines around the world. It is called Cumin seeds in English, Jeera in Hindi and Jeeragam in Tamil.

a display of cumin seeds or jeera

How to use Cumin Powder?

You can add cumin powder to salads, soups, gravies, curries, rice dishes, stir fries, chats, raita etc. As roasted cumin powder is precooked and grind you can even add it at the final stage and can be used raw in salads and chats too.

Cumin Seeds Varieties

There are 2 varieties of cumin seeds

  • Jeera – Jeera is the Indian name for cumin seeds. Cumin seeds is more flavorful and aromatic than shahi jeera and can be used in many Indian dishes.
  • Shahi Jeera – Shahi Jeera is the Indian name for Caraway seeds. Shahi jeera is darker and sweeter than regular jeera. It is used mainly in specific indian curries and tadka.

How to make Cumin Powder Step by Step

1.To a pan add 1/2 cup jeera or cumin seeds.

add cumin seeds to a pan

2.Start roasting in low flame. Keep stirring and never leave it unattended.

start roasting in low flame until aromatic

3.It starts to smoke in few seconds, the color of the seeds change like shown. Switch off.

color changes to dark shade

5.Roasted cumin seeds is ready. It may take just 2-3 minutes to get to this stage.

switch off roasted jeera is ready

6.Transfer roasted cumin seeds to a plate, spread it and cool down completely.

spread on a plate and cool down

7.Once completely cool transfer it to a mixer jar. Make sure your mixer jar is completely dry and free from moisture.

transfer it to a mixer jar

8.Grind it to a fine powder.

grind it to a fine powder

9.Grind it as fine as possible. Run the mixer in intervals to avoid it from getting too hot.

roasted cumin powder is ready

10.Transfer roasted cumin powder to a plate and spread it. Cool down completely then store.

spread it on a plate and cool down

Cumin powder is ready!

cumin powder in a small beige color bowl with a wooden spoon

Expert Tips

  • Making : I usually make in small batches and use it. If you are making a huge batch then store in separate small jars and use it one after another to retain the aroma and flavor for a longer time.
  • Roasting : Slow roasting is the key also keep the flame in low or medium and keep stirring to avoid burning the spice.
  • Grinding : Always make sure your mixer jar is dry before adding the roasted seeds. Scrap the sides in between while grinding to avoid any seeds sticking to the sides.
  • Storing : Store in a clean airtight jar and it keeps well for 3 months at least in room temperature itself. Use a clean dry spoon every time. For longer shelf life store in fridge and it keeps well for about a year.
  • Quality : Buy good quality cumin seeds and check for speck if any then start roasting.


1.How to make best use of cumin seeds powder?

Cumin seeds powder is an essential spice mix for many Indian dishes. Use it for curries, rice dishes, stews, soups etc.

2.Is cumin powder and jeera powder same?

Yes both are the same. Jeera is the Indian name for cumin seeds.

3.How long can I store this?

It keeps well in room temperature for about 3 months. It is better to refrigerate in big container if you are making a huge batch and use a smaller container for daily use.

cumin powder in a small beige color bowl

If you have any more questions about this Cumin Powder Recipe do mail me at In addition, follow me on Instagram, FacebookPinterest, Youtube and Twitter .

Tried this Jeera Powder Recipe ? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

📖 Recipe Card


Cumin Powder | Jeera Powder

Cumin Powder is a flavorful, handy spice made by roasting and grinding jeera to a fine powder. Cumin Powder enhances the taste of curries, gravies, salads,rice dishes etc. Cumin Powder or Jeera Powder is a must have ingredient at home to make dishes special!
Course howtos
Cuisine Indian
Keyword 30 mins recipes, how to make jeera rice, masala recipes, powder recipes, spice recipes, spicy indian mix
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 cup
Calories 9kcal
Author Sharmilee J


  • 1/2 cup jeera / cumin seeds


  • To a pan add 1/2 cup jeera or cumin seeds.
  • Start roasting in low flame. Keep stirring and never leave it unattended.
  • It starts to smoke in few seconds, the color of the seeds change like shown. Switch off.
  • Roasted cumin seeds is ready. It may take just 2-3 minutes to get to this stage.
  • Transfer roasted cumin seeds to a plate, spread it and cool down completely.
  • Once completely cool transfer it to a mixer jar. Make sure your mixer jar is completely dry and free from moisture.
  • Grind it to a fine powder.
  • Grind it as fine as possible. Run the mixer in intervals to avoid it from getting too hot.
  • Transfer roasted cumin powder to a plate and spread it. Cool down completely then store.



  • Making : I usually make in small batches and use it. If you are making a huge batch then store in separate small jars and use it one after another to retain the aroma and flavor for a longer time.
  • Roasting : Slow roasting is the key also keep the flame in low or medium and keep stirring to avoid burning the spice.
  • Grinding : Always make sure your mixer jar is dry before adding the roasted seeds. Scrap the sides in between while grinding to avoid any seeds sticking to the sides.
  • Storing : Store in a clean airtight jar and it keeps well for 3 months at least in room temperature itself. Use a clean dry spoon every time. For longer shelf life store in fridge and it keeps well for about a year.
  • Quality : Buy good quality cumin seeds and check for speck if any then start roasting.


Serving: 10g | Calories: 9kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 0.4g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 0.04g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.4g | Sodium: 4mg | Potassium: 45mg | Fiber: 0.3g | Sugar: 0.1g | Vitamin A: 32IU | Vitamin C: 0.2mg | Calcium: 23mg | Iron: 2mg

The post Cumin Powder | Jeera Powder appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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