Monday, June 5, 2023

Mango Cake

Mango Cake is a delicious dessert made with mangoes, flour, sugar and milk. Mango cake is a treat for the family & friends for birthdays & parties and an excellent idea of relishing mangoes in the form of cake. How to make Mango Cake Recipe is explained in this post with step by step pictures and video.

Mango Cake is a delicious tropical treat for all mango lovers. This Mango Cake is so soft and flavourful perfect as a tea cake. I did not frost the mango cake as I wanted a plain version of the cake and here it is.

About Mango Cake

Mango cake is a perfect combination of sweet and juicy mangoes with a light and fluffy texture of the cake. I wanted to utilise the mango season completely and no mango recipe collection is complete with a mango cake…Agree?! I have seen mango cakes, muffins and bread in so many blogs and when I wanted to try I went ahead searching for them.

The vibrant yellow color from the mangoes and refreshing flavour in the form of cake is soo good that you cannot stop with just one piece. A bite into the cake and its full of mango flavour. The combination of mangoes with cardamom is a heavenly combo.

I had already posted a version of mango cake with sooji / rava earlier which was a low fat version. Though it had come out soo good for me few readers complained that their cake sunk and I tried it 2 times later but the same issue happenned to me too so wanted to updated a no fail eggless recipe here and this perfectly fits the bill.

Mango Cake is very special as it is versatile. It can be enjoyed in various forms, from a simple sponge cake just like here or mango muffins or mango cupcakes or a layered celebration cake filled with mango slices and cream. Whether it’s a small cupcake or an elaborate celebration cake, the mango flavour elevates every bite, making it extra special. This Mango Cake Recipe was perfect which I tried from here.

If you are a mango lover do try this mango cake and enjoy! Check out more Mango Recipes

Mango Cake Ingredients

  • Mangoes – Choose sweet juicy mangoes that are not so fibrous. I used alphonso mangoes.
  • Flour – You can use maida or wheat flour. If you are using wheat flour you may need to add little more milk.
  • Sugar – Use castor sugar so that it gets dissolved easily.
  • Oil & Milk – Use any flavourless, odourless oil. Always use fresh milk boiled and cooled.
  • Flavouring – I used cardamom powder but you can replace it with vanilla essence or mango essence or even saffron.
  • Rising agent – Both baking powder and baking soda is used here in this recipe.

f you have any more questions about this Mango Cake Recipe do mail me at In addition, follow me on InstagramFacebook,  PinterestYoutube and Twitter .

Tried this Mango Cake Recipe ? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

📖 Recipe


Mango Cake

Mango Cake is a delicious dessert made with mangoes, flour, sugar and milk. Mango cake is a treat for the family & friends for birthdays & parties and an excellent idea of relishing mangoes in the form of cake. How to make Mango Cake Recipe is explained in this post with step by step pictures and video.
Course Baking, Snack
Cuisine American, French, Indian, Italian
Keyword Baking, baking recipes, bread, bread recipes, recipes, veg recipes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Servings 8 slices
Calories 235kcal
Author Sharmilee J


  • 1 cup maida
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp mango pulp
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 1/4 cup milk 1/8 cup + 1/8 cup


  • Line a 4 inch X 4 inch cake tin with parchment paper and brush it with oil.
  • To a bowl – add 1 cup maida, 1/8 tsp cardamom powder, 1 tsp baking powder and 1/4 tsp baking soda.
  • Whisk it well and set aside.
  • To a mixing bowl – add 1/4 cup oil addd 1/2 cup castor sugar.
  • Whisk it well.
  • Add 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp mango pulp.
  • Whisk it well.
  • Add 1/8 cup milk first. Milk should be boiled and in room temperature.
  • Mix it well.
  • Place a sieve over the bowl – add the flour mixture to it.
  • Sieve it well.
  • Mix gently.
  • Mix with a spatula until no dry flour is seen.
  • Now add remaining 1/8 cup milk. Milk should be boiled and in room temperature.
  • Fold in gently to a creamy smooth batter without any lumps.
  • Transfer the batter to the prepared cake tin. Tap it twice to reomve airbubbles if any.
  • Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg C for 30-35 mins or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. If it is still sticky then bake for 3-5 more mins. Let the cake cool down in the cake tin for 5-10 mins.
  • Then scrap the sides with a knife and invert to demould.
  • Soft delicious mango cake is ready!


    • The sugar measure depends on how sweet your mangoes are so adjust accordingly. 1/2 cup sugar will be perfect if your mangoes are sweet else add 2 tbsp extra sugar.
    • Always use fresh milk boiled and cooled down to room temperature.
    • I added the pulp of mangoes and blended in my mixer jar to get mango puree.
    • I used castor sugar but regular granulated white sugar can also be used.
    • If you are replacing maida with wheat flour then you made need little more milk to get the desired consistency.
    • Even if you half the recipe the cake takes time to bake because of mangoes. Usually cakes with fruits takes time to bake so have a check.


Serving: 40g | Calories: 235kcal | Carbohydrates: 43g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 368mg | Potassium: 104mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 23g | Vitamin A: 288IU | Vitamin C: 10mg | Calcium: 49mg | Iron: 1mg

Mango Cake Recipe Step by Step

1.Line a 4 inch X 4 inch cake tin with parchment paper and brush it with oil.

2.To a bowl – add 1 cup maida, 1/8 tsp cardamom powder, 1 tsp baking powder and 1/4 tsp baking soda.

3.Whisk it well and set aside.

4.Preheat oven at 180 deg C for 10 mins. To a mixing bowl – add 1/4 cup oil add 1/2 cup castor sugar.

5.Whisk it well.

6.Add 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp mango pulp.

7.Whisk it well.

8.Add 1/8 cup milk first. Milk should be boiled and in room temperature.

9.Mix it well.

10.Place a sieve over the bowl – add the flour mixture to it.

11.Sieve it well.

12.Mix gently.

13.Mix with a spatula until no dry flour is seen.

14.Now add remaining 1/8 cup milk. Milk should be boiled and in room temperature.

15.Fold in gently to a creamy smooth batter without any lumps.

16.Transfer the batter to the prepared cake tin. Tap it twice to remove airbubbles if any.

17.Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg C for 30-35 mins or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. If it is still sticky then bake for 3-5 more mins. Let the cake cool down in the cake tin for 5-10 mins.

18.Then scrap the sides with a knife and invert to demould.

19.Cool down the cake completely. Then slice the cake using a knife.

20.Soft delicious mango cake is ready!

Mango Cake is ready!

Expert Tips

  • The sugar measure depends on how sweet your mangoes are so adjust accordingly. 1/2 cup sugar will be perfect if your mangoes are sweet else add 2 tbsp extra sugar.
  • Always use fresh milk boiled and cooled down to room temperature.
  • I added the pulp of mangoes and blended in my mixer jar to get mango puree.
  • I used castor sugar but regular granulated white sugar can also be used.
  • If you are replacing maida with wheat flour then you made need little more milk to get the desired consistency.
  • Even if you half the recipe the cake takes time to bake because of mangoes. Usually cakes with fruits takes time to bake so have a check.

Serving & Storing Suggestion

Mango Cake tastes great by itself but if you want you can layer the cake and add frosting to make it more rich. This cake keeps well in room temperature for a day and for 2 days in fridge.


1.What other combination can be used with mangoes?

You can use cardamom powder or vanilla essence or mango essence or even saffron. But use either one not all.

2.Can I make this cake vegan?

Yes you can use almond milk or coconut milk replacing milk but the taste may slightly change. Adjust the measures accordingly so that the batter is creamy and smooth.

3.Can I frost the cake?

Yes you can use the mango mousse frosting recipe here to make the frosting. Make the cake in a round cake tin, cut into layers and spread the mousse frosting in each layer.

The post Mango Cake appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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