Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Oats chilla recipe

Oats chilla or oats cheela is an Indian breakfast recipe you can make instantly with ingredients available at home. Perfect for dinner as well as for weight loss.

Oats cheela

I make oats chilla often for dinner or lunch rather than breakfast whenever want to avoid rice or heavy meal.

This was inspired by my besan paneer chilla recipe on this site, and in fact pairs well with this lip smacking amla chunda recipe.



Below, are the ingredients you need to make oats chilla.

ingredients for oats chilla
  • Oats - I used Rolled oats. But you can use any type - steel cut, quick cook oats.
  • Besan - Split chickpeas flour - For binding and best gluten free option.
  • Vegetables - Use your favourite vegetables available. I use more cabbage, bit of carrot and capsicum (adds good flavor).
  • Onion - I love onion in my chilla and at times make it only with it.
  • Green chilli - Adds extra spice and flavor.
  • Ginger - Suppress the oats smell as well as aids digestion.
  • Spice powders - Red chilli powder for spice, Roasted cumin powder for flavour and digestion. Pepper and turmeric for it's health quotient.
  • Asafoetida - Mainly for flavor and nullifies any gastric properties in oats and besan.
  • Coriander leaves - Add lots of coriander for flavour.

See recipe card for full list and exact quantities.


Let's see how to make oats chilla with step by step images.

Powder oats

rolled oats

1. Firstly, take oats in a mixie/ blender and powder coarsely.


2. Let it be not fine flour as the texture may go too soft if you do so.

Chilla batter


1. Take powdered oats, besan, spices, vegetables, salt, cooking soda and other ingredients in a mixing bowl.


2. Then, mix roughly before adding water.


3. After that, add 1 cup water and mix to make thick batter.


4. Once you mix well without lumps, add ½ cup water little by little to make batter.


5. Now, set this aside for 10 minutes for resting.


6. After that, add more water, ¼ cup approx to loosen the batter. Consistency like idli dosa batter.

Make oats chilla:


1. Heat a tawa and smear with little oil firstly. Do not overheat. Put the flame to low and pour a ladle full of oats chilla batter. Spread slightly.


2. Cook covered if desired. It takes about a minute.


3. Drizzle oil over if needed before flipping. Cook for another minute in low or medium flame. Press gently for even cooking.

ready oats chilla

4. Oats chilla ready. Repeat to finish!

I served with my amla chunda and some thick & creamy curd. But mostly I have it as such 😃

Oats chilla


  • Besan - instead of besan, you can use millet flour.
  • Onion - Skip onion for no onion no garlic version and use just the vegetables. You will never know any difference.
  • Cumin powder - You can use whole cumin or caraway seeds.

Obviously, these oats cheelas are naturally gluten free, if you do not have any ingredient, it's ok to skip it. Feel free to adjust the other spices according to your preference.

I made it in a lodge Cast iron griddle, but any type will work.


Tastes good even after cooling down, for that reason makes perfect to even pack in your lunch box.

Batter can be stored in fridge for couple of days, but it sticks to pan and turns brown fast. Within a day, it is all fine.

Top tip

You can make the batter watery and make it, for example like I have did in my paneer besan chilla. Or in fact, you can make it in appe pan like paniyaram. In addition you can add ¼ teaspoon eno for more fluffier results.


Is oats chilla good for weight loss?

Yes, packed with fibre and vegetables, it is comparatively good for weight loss than the conventional breakfast/ dinner.

Oats chilla recipe

Recipe card

oats chilla
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Oats chilla recipe

Oats chilla or oats cheela is an Indian breakfast recipe you can make instantly with easily available ingredients at home. Perfect for dinner too for weight loss.
Course Breakfast, Dinner
Cuisine Indian
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Servings 10 chilla

Equipments (Amazon Affiliate links)

Cup measurements


  • 1 cup Oats I used rolled oats, any type will work.
  • ¼ cup Gram flour Besan, Split chickpea flour
  • 1 Onion Finely chopped
  • ½ cup Cabbage Finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoon Capsicum Finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoon Carrot Finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Ginger Finely chopped
  • 1 Green chilli Finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoon Coriander leaves Finely chopped
  • ¼ teaspoon Red chilli powder
  • ¼ teaspoon Roasted cumin seeds powder
  • teaspoon Turmeric
  • teaspoon Black pepper powder
  • teaspoon Asafoetida
  • 2 pinches Cooking soda Optional
  • Salt as needed
  • Oil as needed


Powder oats

  • Firstly, take oats in a mixie/ blender and powder coarsely.
  • Let it be not fine flour as the texture may go too soft if you do so.

Chilla batter

  • Take powdered oats, besan, spices, vegetables, salt, cooking soda and other ingredients in a mixing bowl.
    ¼ teaspoon Red chilli powder, ¼ teaspoon Roasted cumin seeds powder, ⅛ teaspoon Turmeric, ⅛ teaspoon Black pepper powder, ⅛ teaspoon Asafoetida
  • Then, mix roughly before adding water.
  • After that, add 1 cup water and mix to make thick batter.
  • Once you mix well without lumps, add ½ cup water little by little to make batter.
  • Now, set this aside for 10 minutes for resting.
  • After that, add more water, ¼ cup approx to loosen the batter. Consistency like idli dosa batter.

Make oats chilla:

  • Heat a tawa and smear with little oil firstly. Do not overheat. Put the flame to low and pour a ladle full of oats chilla batter. Spread slightly.
  • Cook covered if desired. It takes about a minute.
  • Drizzle oil over if needed before flipping.
  • Cook for another minute in low or medium flame. Press gently for even cooking.
  • Oats chilla is ready. Repeat to finish all.



  • You can make the batter watery and make it like I have did in my paneer besan chilla. Or infact, you can make it in appe pan like paniyaram. You can add ¼ teaspoon eno for more fluffier results.
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The post Oats chilla recipe appeared first on Raks Kitchen.

from Raks Kitchen https://ift.tt/PfqSR7p

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