Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Watermelon Juice

Watermelon Juice is a wonderful heat quencher made by blending watermelon with lemon juice. Watermelon Juice is a perfect chiller that fits the pocket & fills the tummy. Watermelon Juice Recipe is posted here with step by step pictures and video.

watermelon juice served in glass

Watermelon juice is a bliss for hot summers! Juices are the best to keep us hydrated during summer. Kids love any juice and this watermelon juice is their favorite. I make juice popsicles with watermelons.

About Watermelon Juice

Watermelon juice is a refreshing beverage made from the juice of ripe watermelons and lemon juice. This juice is a popular choice during summer as it has high water content and natural sweetness which is the best thirst quencher.

Watermelon juice is hydrating and naturally making it an excellent choice for a hot day. Watermelon Juice is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, particularly vitamin C.

Additionally, it’s a versatile base for creating various refreshing beverages, such as watermelon lemonade or watermelon smoothies. This juice is the best choice for quenching your thirst on a hot day.

watermelon juice served in glass


Watermelon is nature’s gift to us so utilize it completely especially during summer. Choose watermelon that is heavy which indicates that it is a good watermelon.

The beautiful vibrant red color is because of the high content of lycopene in it. The ruby red drink is so tempting and does so much good to our body. Watermelon os a super food that has 92% water content so instantly hydrates us. Watermelon is rich in antioxidants as it is high in potassium.

Though ready made juice and aerated juices are easily and readily available fresh juices has its own benefits. Also ready made juices are loaded with artificial colors, flavors and preservatives to extend shelf life which is not at all good for health.

More Watermelon Recipes

watermelon wedge placed

I have shared a classic basic version of Watermelon Juice and Lemony Mint Watermelon Juice though the variations are endless.


  • Classic watermelon juice includes just watermelon and lemon. You can add sugar if you prefer but if the fruit itself is sweet you can skip the sweetener.
  • You can add rose syrup to it along with soaked sabja seeds.
  • Add tender coconut water to make Watermelon Agua Fresco
  • You can add oranges along with watermelon or add orange juice.
  • Add a small piece of ginger to make if you like the flavor.

Watermelon Benefits

  • Keeps us hydrated
  • Can help with weight management as it is low in calories
  • Rich in antioxidants so works a preventive measure
  • Improve heart health and reduce cancer risk
  • Great for our skin
  • Contains high water content and a small amount of fiber so easy to digest

Watermelon Juice Ingredients

  • Watermelon – Choose watermelon that is ripe and fresh. I always prefer to buy whole watermelon so that we can cut and consume it fresh instead of buying pre cut watermelon.
  • Lemon – Lemon adds a balance and tangy taste to the juice
watermelon and lemon needed to make watermelon juice

Watermelon Juice Recipe Step by Step

How to cut watermelon

1.Cut a whole watermelon into half first.

cut watermelon into half

2.Cut into half.

cut into further half

3.Further cut each side into half.

cut into quarter

4.Now remove the watermelon flesh red part from the green and white part at the bottom.

remove the flesh from the bottom

5.Discard the green and white part.

fruit separated from the rind

6.Remove the seeds that are showing outside.

remove the seeds

7.Cut into cubes and remove the seeds inside.

cut into cubes

8.Remove the seeds using the edge of the knife.

remove the seeds

9.Remove the seeds from the watermelon completely. Cut the watermelon into small cubes. Discard the removed seeds.

watermelon cut into cubes

How to make watermelon juice

10.Fresh watermelon cubes are ready! It is approximately 4 cups.

4 cups cubed watermelon measured

11.To a mixer jar add 4 cups watermelon cubes roughly chopped.

add watermelon to a mixer jar

12.Add lemon juice from 1 small lemon.

add lemon juice to it

13.You can add sugar if you want. Balance lemon juice according to the sweetness of watermelon.

squeeze 1 small lemon to add juice from it

14.Blend until smooth. You can strain it or serve it as such too.

blend until smooth

15.Pour into serving glasses. The water content may settle at the bottom as shown here. So give a quick stir while serving.

add to serving glass

16.Fresh watermelon juice is ready! You can add ice cubes if you prefer.

stir and serve

Serve it chilled!

watermelon juice served in glasses

Watermelon Mint Juice Recipe

This is another variation with mint juice as I saw this combination in the menu card of a juice shop wanted to try this. Watermelon with lemon is always a very refreshing combination and mint adds the extra zing which is apt for summer.

Watermelon Mint Lemonade served in a glass


Watermelon – 2 cups chopped
Mint – 10 leaves
Lemon – 1 tsp
Sugar – 1 tablespoon
Salt – a pinch
Ice cubes – few


  1. Remove the skin of watermelon and discard the seeds.Chop into bite sized cubes.In a mixer jar, add chopped watermelon,mint, sugar and salt.Blend it together.Finally add lemon juice
    How to make carrot orange juice - Step1

Serve Chilled.

Expert Tips

  • You can add sugar or honey if your watermelon is not sweet. If your watermelon variety is sweet then you can skip the sweetener itself.
  • I refrigerated the watermelons so didn’t add ice cubes while serving, you can also add 1-2 ice cubes.
  • Adding salt or chat masala powder gives a nice punch you can try that.
  • Make sure to stir it well before serving as the water might settle down at the bottom.
  • If you like chilled watermelon juice then refrigerate the fruit for a while before making the juice.

Serving & Storage Suggestion

You can serve it as such or with few ice cubes. Fruit juices are best when consumed fresh so I would not recommend storing it. However you can store the cut cubed fruit in fridge for 2 days and make juice when needed.

Watermelon juice keeps well in room temperature for 4-6 hours and in fridge for 1 day. You can pour the juice in mold, freeze it and make popsicles too.


1.Can I add sugar to watermelon juice?

Yes you can add sugar or honey or any other sweetener of your choice. However if the fruit is sweet then you need no sweetener at all.

2.How long can a cut watermelon be stored in fridge?

Whole watermelon cut into half or wedges can last in fridge for 2 days. Watermelon cut, cleaned and cubed can be stored in fridge for up to 3 days.

watermelon juice served in glasses

If you have any more questions about this Watermelon Juice Recipe do mail me at
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Tried this Watermelon Juice Recipe? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

📖 Recipe Card


Watermelon Juice Recipe

Watermelon Juice is a wonderful heat quencher made by blending watermelon with lemon juice. Watermelon Juice is a perfect chiller that fits the pocket & fills the tummy. Watermelon Juice Recipe is posted here with step by step pictures and video.
Course Drinks
Cuisine American, French, Indian, Italian
Keyword 30 mins recipes, drink recipes, fruit recipes, healthy recipes, Healthy tea time drink, juice recipes, lunch recipes, Nutritional Drink
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 2 people
Calories 34kcal
Author Sharmilee J


  • 4 cups watermelon chopped roughly
  • 1 small lemon


How to cut watermelon

  • Cut a whole watermelon into half first.
  • Cut into half.
  • Further cut each side into half.
  • Now remove the watermelon flesh red part from the green and white part at the bottom.
  • Discard the green and white part.
  • Remove the seeds that are showing outside.
  • Cut into cubes and remove the seeds inside.
  • Remove the seeds using the edge of the knife.
  • Remove the seeds from the watermelon completely. Cut the watermelon into small cubes. Discard the removed seeds.

How to make watermelon juice

  • Fresh watermelon cubes are ready! It is approximately 4 cups.
  • To a mixer jar add 4 cups watermelon cubes roughly chopped.
  • Add lemon juice from 1 small lemon.
  • You can add sugar if you want. Balance lemon juice according to the sweetness of watermelon.
  • Blend until smooth. You can strain it or serve it as such too.
  • Pour into serving glasses. The water content may settle at the bottom as shown here. So give a quick stir while serving.
  • Fresh watermelon juice is ready! You can add ice cubes if you prefer.
  • Serve it chilled!


  • You can add sugar or honey if your watermelon is not sweet. If your watermelon variety is sweet then you can skip the sweetener itself.
  • I refrigerated the watermelons so didn’t add ice cubes while serving, you can also add 1-2 ice cubes.
  • Adding salt or chat masala powder gives a nice punch you can try that.
  • Make sure to stir it well before serving as the water might settle down at the bottom.
  • If you like chilled watermelon juice then refrigerate the fruit for a while before making the juice.


Serving: 250ml | Calories: 34kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Protein: 0.5g | Fat: 0.1g | Saturated Fat: 0.01g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.04g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.03g | Sodium: 1mg | Potassium: 93mg | Fiber: 0.3g | Sugar: 7g | Vitamin A: 433IU | Vitamin C: 9mg | Calcium: 6mg | Iron: 0.2mg

The post Watermelon Juice appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions

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