Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Ragi Powder | Ragi Flour Recipe | Ragi Recipes

Ragi Powder Recipe or Ragi Flour Recipe – Learn to make homemade ragi flour with easy step and step pictures and video. It is made by soaking and making sprouted ragi then roasted and grind to make ragi flour at home. Homemade Ragi Flour Recipe with step by step pictures and video is presented here.

homemade sprouted ragi powder placed in a white bowl

Ragi powder is Ragi as it is popularly known in kannada is fingermillet in english, kezhvaragu or keppai in tamil, ragulu in telugu, mandika in hindi and nachani in marathi etc. Homemade ragi powder is nutritious and is super beneficial too.

About Ragi Flour

Ragi or finger millet is very nutritious and it is always said that the nutrition doubles up when any millet or bean is sprouted. I agree it takes time and effort to make homemade flours but I tell you, after making I am sure you will feel content, happy and will never look back at store bought flour.

Ragi is an easily digestible millet hence it is first started solids for babies. Ragi is very good especially for kids and elders and no wonder its the first grain introduced to babies.

You can use this homemade sprouted ragi for babies, toddlers and kids too. I agree the efforts are more for this ragi powder but very helpful when any recipe calls for ragi flour you can use this.

Finger millet / Ragi

Finger millet – Ragi as it is popularly known in kanada. Choose the whole grain which is easily available in stores.

finger millet placed in a white bowl

Ragi Powder Video

Ragi Flour – 2 Methods

Generally there are 2 methods for making finger millet flour at home :

  • Method 1 : (Elaborate) – This is the method I have shared here which takes little longer but worth the time and effort. In this method to begin with we first pick out all the specks if any then rinse the millet well until the water is clear then soak for a day, drain water completely then sprout it for a day or so. Then we sundry until completely dry, then roast in kadai and finally powder it.
  • Method 2 : (Quick) – This method comes handy when you have no time for soaking or sprouting. Remove speck, rinse the millet well then drain water completely. Sun dry well finally roast and powder it.
homemade sprouted ragi flour placed in a white bowl

Ragi Recipes

More Ragi Recipes

How to make Ragi Flour Step by Step

1.Take 1/2 kg finger millet in a bowl.

take ragi

2.Pick out speck if any. You can even spread it on a plate and remove. Do in batches.

pick out speck

3.Discard the speck

remove the speck and discard it

4.Add water rinse it well at least 2-3 times.

rinse it well in water

5.Drain water, discard it.

drain water

6.Rinse well, drain water until water is clear like this.

rinse well

7.Drained water is clear.

clear drained water

8.When you see clear water while rinsing then you can stop rinsing.

rinse until clear water

9.Now soak in water.

soak in water

10.Keep covered for at least 8 hrs or even overnight.

keep covered

11.Rinse it one more time. Then drain water completely.

rinse and drain

12.Add the millet to a hot box, spread it. You can even tie in a cloth, squeeze excess water and keep it in a colander. Hot box makes sprouting faster.

add millet to hotbox

13.Close it tightly and set aside undisturbed for a day or at least for 10 hours. You can even keep it in muslin cloth for sprouting.

keep covered to sprout

14.This is the tiny sprout I got after 10 hours. If you wish to get longer sprouts then you can rest for one more day but make sure the millet does not get spoiled.

homemade ragi flou sproutsr

15.Spread it in a plate to a thin layer so that it gets dried easily. Sun dry for a day. Make it a thin layer otherwise it takes time to get dried. It will take just few hours if the climat is very hot and sun is scorching.

spread on a plate

16.Add to kadai and dry roast for 5 mins. I did it in 2 batches.

add to kadai

17.Spread it on a plate. Cool down completely.

cool completely

18.Finally grind it until fine. Do it in batches to avoid heating of mixie which will in turn create moisture. But if you wish you can sieve ragi flour if the flour is very coarse. I usually do not sieve.

powder it

19.Spread it on a plate, then cool completely later store in a clean dry jar.

homemade ragi flour ready

Homemade sprouted ragi flour is ready!

homemade sprouted ragi flour placed in a white bowl

Expert Tips

  • If you sieve the ragi flour make sure to use fine sieve. Then collect the coarse particles and again grind it along with next batch.
  • Make sure to dry well before roasting and grinding. There should be no moisture while grinding else the ragi flour might get spoiled soon.
  • If you feel there is no speck / dirt in the millet then you can even roast it directly.
  • You can even give to a nearby mill after roasting and grind the flour.


Keeps well in room temperature for about 3 months. You can extend shelf life by storing in fridge, in fridge it keeps well for about a year also.


1.Why do we need to sprout ragi?

Sprouting doubles and increase the nutritional value. Also sprouted flour when made into a powder is easy digestible especially for babies and kids.

2.How much do we need to sprout ragi?

I just allow it to sprout just when it the white stem starts to peep out which is around 10 hours. You can sprout for a day too.

3.Can I skip sprouting?

Yes you can skip sprouting part. Just rinse the millet drain well, sundry it then roast and grind it to a fine powder too.

If you have any more questions about this Ragi Flour Recipe  do mail me at sharmispassions@gmail.com
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Tried this Ragi Flour Recipe? Do let me know how you liked it. Also tag us on Instagram @sharmispassions and hash tag it on #sharmispassions.

📖 Recipe Card


Ragi Powder | Ragi Flour | Ragi Recipes

Ragi Powder Recipe or Ragi Flour Recipe – Learn to make homemade ragi flour with easy step and step pictures and video. It is made by soaking and making sprouted ragi then roasted and grinded to make ragi flour at home using mixie. Homemade Ragi Flour Recipe with step by step pictures and video is given here.
Course Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine Indian
Keyword millet recipes, powder recipes, ragi recipes
Prep Time 3 days
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 3 days 15 minutes
Servings 2 cups
Calories 820kcal
Author Sharmilee J


  • 1/2 kg fingermillet


  • Take 1/2 kg finger millet in a bowl.
  • Pick out speck if any. You can even spread it on a plate and remove. Do in batches.
  • Discard the speck.
  • Add water rinse it well.
  • Drain water, discard it. Rinse well, drain water until water is clear.
  • When you see clear water while rinsing then you can stop rinsing.
  • Now soak in water.
  • Keep covered for atleast 8 hrs or even overnight.
  • Rinse it one more time. Then drain water completely.
  • Add the millet to a hot box, spread it. You can even tie in a cloth, squeeze excess water and keep it in a colander. Hot box makes sprouting faster.
  • Close it tightly and set aside undisturbed for a day or atleast for 10 hours.
  • This is the tiny sprout I got after 10 hours. If you wish to get longer sprouts then you can rest for one more day but make sure the millet does not get spoiled.
  • Spread it in a plate to a thin layer so that it gets dried easily. Sun dry for a day or two. Make it a thin layer otherwise it takes time to get dried.
  • Add to kadai and dry roast for 3-5 mins. I did it in 2 batches.
  • Spread it on a plate. Cool down completely.
  • Finally powder it until fine.Do it in batches to avoid heating of mixie which will in turn create moisture. I wouldn’t recommend sieving. But if you wish you can sieve it if the flour is very coarse.
  • Spread it on a plate, cool completely then store in a clean dry jar.
  • Homemade ragi flour ready!



  • If you sieve the ragi flour make sure to use fine sieve. Then collect the coarse particles and again grind it along with next batch.
  • Make sure to dry well before roasting and grinding. There should be no moisture while grinding else the ragi flour might get spoiled soon.
  • If you feel there is no speck / dirt in the millet then you can even roast it directly.
  • You can even give to a nearby mill after roasting and grind the flour.


Serving: 125g | Calories: 820kcal | Carbohydrates: 180g | Protein: 18g | Fat: 3g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 28mg | Potassium: 1020mg | Calcium: 860mg | Iron: 10mg

The post Ragi Powder | Ragi Flour Recipe | Ragi Recipes appeared first on Sharmis Passions.

from Sharmis Passions https://ift.tt/Hxdsh7R

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